many bells down wears many stupid hats


I had always just assumed it was an older Ferrari. Until my daughter took this photo and we really looked at it.

You have never once heard a woman complain of this fear? Like, did you post this before 43 women told you they had?

Yes, but not at the time I actually rejected him. Not until he showed up at my work on a day I happened to be out sick and threw a massive tantrum when he found I wasn’t there. THEN I started to worry about all the times I’d told him no.

I suppose there’s always this guy’s much cheaper tactic:

I docent an exhibit of horror movies sometimes, and there’s a 30-second clip of Hostel playing in part of the room. I don’t go to that part.

By the time I get down to the photo, I’m laughing so hard I’m crying. That was my very first introduction to The Bloggess.

I had a friend that had an old washing machine out behind her house. We filled it with all kinds of crap and called it a “magic potion”. There was some rainwater in there, and we put in like ... ketchup and orange juice and whatever was in her house. It was probably horrific by summer.

“Meditation and a 23-minute breath set” sounds like my morning. Or as I call it, “sleeping in half an hour after my alarm went off.”

“It is totally okay to start drinking at 9:45am.”

RIIIGGHTT?? I got one of those period tracking apps on my phone. I’ve been using it more than a year. IT’S NEVER RIGHT.

“nothing can hold you back”

In yoga pants on the sofa bingeing Downton Abbey and giggling like a loon because the painkillers I have to take make me hiiiigh.


I totally love Old Spice. Mr. Bells used to wear it but he developed some kind of allergic skin reaction and had to switch. He doesn’t SMELL right!

Needs more black or red. And possibly a wolf or an explosion.

My younger brother used to get this all the time, but only at Whole Foods. And he literally NEVER smiles so I don’t know why, but he’s been apparently employed by Whole Foods since he was 12 or 13 because customers ask him for help every time.

My airport-dressing plan takes into account two things:

Exactly. I’m gambling that out of the 10 middle seats left on the flight, you’re not gonna pick mine. If you do, then I gotta suck it up and swap you for the window or the aisle.

I book flights like this, but I will totally swap if someone ends up having to take that middle seat. We all know they didn’t WANT to sit there!