many bells down wears many stupid hats

Ugh, I was on a flight with a skinny guy like that. Middle seat, typing furiously on his laptop with both elbows STICKING STRAIGHT OUT. How does anyone even type like that?! Then occasionally he’d get mad that his ShitBook was slow and he’d curse and angrily bang the keys, which meant I was dodging flying elbows for

I’ve deliberately booked flights where I’ve got the aisle and the window of a three-seat row, in the hopes that the middle seat will remain empty. And if it doesn’t, I can swap for it so I can still sit next to whomever I’m flying with.

It’s not really any MORE ugly than most of the expensive designer sneakers. At least it’s not 12 clashing colors like it seems all women’s running shoes are now.


Whenever I have to think of a name, the first one that always pops into my head is “Angela”. What I find odd about it is:

The best part, for me, was at the very beginning when I was like “omg OF COURSE Aral had a boyfriend, we knew he was bisexual from the beginning!”

I kind of wonder myself. I mean, when I’m lying down there certainly a big reduction in the flow. And when I get up in the morning sometimes there’s ... a bit of a disaster. So gravity is definitely a factor.

I think A Civil Campaign is one of my favorites, so I found myself wishing it was more like that. There just wasn’t really any sort of conflict. Of course, Cordelia is rather more level-headed than Miles so she doesn’t get herself INTO the kinds of trouble he does ...

Dear Santa, I know it’s early but please put Nerdy Chris Hemsworth under my tree this year.

Also, they’ve just today reported that one of the cases was sexually transmitted. I’m sorry. :(

I’ve already heard that last one this week. “Women need to be responsible and keep their legs closed!”

Well, I am too, but I have a 18-year-old daughter and a 15-year-old son. If he’s going to have to register at 18, she should have to as well. If we have to have a draft then we should make it equal. The IDF has been doing it for decades, it’s hardly a new concept.

Seriously, we wouldn’t want to get blood on them!

The jacket was actually brown! It was an artifact of “postproduction color grading” that made it look navy. From my Star Wars costuming books:


I can barely control myself looking at pictures. When I scrolled down to the closeup of his face I moaned out loud. Good thing I’m home alone.


... is she barefoot?

Her shoes look SO uncomfortable though. Doesn’t her foot slide all over in those things?

... I’ll be in my bunk.