many bells down wears many stupid hats

Only concerned with “diversity” when they’re left out of something, right?

My friend posted an article about this today and some twatmuffin’s first comment was “women need to be responsible and keep their legs closed.” Ugggghhhhh.


I just keep watching that clip of Idris over and over. He is just the most beautiful man.

There’s all sorts of neat stuff to do on Catalina. Avalon is tiny, so you can stroll around and drink, do a little shopping, what have you. There’s also submarine tours of the harbor (you can shoot food at the fish with a little button) and bus tours around the city.

Honestly I’ve been married for 10 years and this sounds like an excellent plan all around.

The son is 44. It’s about age, not gender.

Seriously, my mother was not a great cook, and my stepmother was even worse. So I thought for years the only way to cook most veggies was to boil the flavor out of them. Which was fine for some things: I’ve always liked broccoli no matter how it’s prepared, and green beans are hard to fuck up. Step-mom’s soggy, mushy,

I would just like to share that someone over at BoingBoing made this gifset for me.

I have terminal RBF, is what.

I’ve noticed that if I can make direct eye contact -and hold it- they will often move. Or maybe I’m just scary-looking.

Yeah I have a bunch of friends when I moved, but really they’re almost all friends of my husband’s from way back. So I’m the “new girl” pretty much (after 10 years of marriage even!) I made a few friends with a Meetup group, but we don’t really get together outside of Meetups.

My sister-in-law and I use “cleanse the toxins” as code for “this is some bullshit here.”

I’ve often said that if I get a disease that involves daily injections I’m just going to drop dead. Needles make me pass out on a regular basis. I never go for bloodwork unless I have someone to drive me home.

Somebody should explain to him that any mother of two infants is probably dancing with joy at the thought of getting a night away by herself once in awhile.

I actually got called “Barbie” a lot as a kid, and it made no sense to me. I was skinny, but I was also a shlubby dresser with a flat chest, glow-in-the-dark-pale skin, and dark frizzy hair. Getting called “Barbie” when it was clearly not meant to be a compliment was super confusing.

Is she? LOL the website says “Leather and Ruffles” which is ... definitely a thing that I am into.

I’m kind of digging Ambiguously Gay Tall Blonde there on the right.

Mine was born with a full head. The only not-bald baby in the nursery so I wasn’t worried about her getting switched!

I’ve always had weird dreams, so my pregnancy dreams weren’t that much stranger to me. I remember one where the baby was talking in full sentences immediately after birth, and everyone was ignoring it because lol duh babies don’t talk.