many bells down wears many stupid hats

Yeah, based on his responses to other people I’m doubting he’s a “nice guy”. It’s all our fault, you see, because making him FEEL BAD is just as important as us not getting raped and killed.

I’ll poop, just if it was particularly gross I may wait a couple extra minutes to exit the stall. Just so there’s some ambiguity as to whether it was me.

I mean, guys do NOT want to hear about the period shits. But those of us with uteruses know. It’s BAD.

I was at a brewery the other night and they had two, single-person restrooms. Because I was there with a group of ladies, there was a line for the one labeled “Women”.

When I was a newly single mother, someone gave my daughter a fancy baby outfit as a gift that I never could have afforded. She didn’t even make it two hours before having a diaper blowout that ruined it permanently.

I’ve got a sister-in-law named Effie. Like, that is her full, legal, first name.

Eugh there’s nothing that grosses me out more when a random dude insists on using the diminutive of my name. Facebook says my name is Jennifer, do NOT message me with “Jenny” unless we’re family.

Heh, we might have the same name. I was born in 1973 and my mother chose ... Jennifer. And then in 3rd grade, I changed schools and became the SIXTH Jennifer in my class of 25. There was a Jenny, and a Jennie, and a Jennifer and a Jenifer - and they ganged up and told me I couldn’t use any of those, which meant I got

My dad was Jon. Just Jon, not short for anything.

Personally I would like biased Donald Trump to skip the next 50 years of speaking, but what do I know, I have a vagina.

Ugh, she sounds awful. And don’t worry about whatever “hard time” she’s having in her life, a) it’s not your fault or your problem and b) she sounds like she thrives on the drama so half of it is probably made up anyway. Seriously, she made up a “friend” for you that she doesn’t like, why wouldn’t she be making up her

I will accept Tilda Swinton in ... well, anything, really.

Good luck finding anything winter at this time of year anyway. As soon as the holidays were over stores here put bathing suits out. After Christmas != Spring!

Tilda Swinton, obvs.

I think Idris Elba got the shaft more for Netflix bucking the establishment to make Beasts of No Nation than anything, but it doesn’t really matter because the outcome is the same.

Right? SO disappointed in her!

Ah well, it was worth a shot.

It’s fucking amazing and on Netflix. Hope you’re snowed in this weekend ;)

It seems like it’s really dependent on the dog. I would never leave mine tied up anywhere; he hates it and would wriggle out of his harness and run off. In fact, we nearly lost him 30 seconds after we adopted him. As we were walking out of the humane society he slipped right out of his collar and took off. Fortunately

Kind of like threesomes: it’s great in theory but in practice someone’s elbow is always in the way.