many bells down wears many stupid hats

All I can think about is how much it’s gotta smell like ball sweat down there.

Seriously your kids will pick up enough bizarre shit even with vaccinations. I used to teach preschool and I got hand-foot-mouth disease from one of my little angels. They’ll get PLENTY of germs don’t you worry.

My brother had kids at 40 and suddenly went all anti-vax. And he lives in Southern California. AND his older sister (i.e.: ME) is a rubella baby. But sure, bro, tell me again how vaccines are sooo bad for kids.

I would totally try them but I’m one of those “weird shaped vagina” people. Honestly, at this point in my life menopause cannot come soon enough.

Well, if you get one of the hormonal IUDs it might be moot. My daughter got one last year and hasn’t had a period at all in 6 months. She loooooves it.

I suddenly see a new argument against the death penalty. “You can’t kill me, Your Honor, this state only allows abortion to 20 weeks and I am 2236 weeks old.”

Ted Cruz also has a stupid evil face, therefore this is not a gendered insult.

I could not believe this wasn’t an Onion headline.

I just said this same thing to someone else. The colors are pretty, but it goes on so streaky and I have to put at least 3 coats on to get any kind of coverage.

I just said this same thing to someone else. The colors are pretty, but it goes on so streaky and I have to put at

I liked it okay when I tried it - it wasn’t worse than any other polish, at least. But the brush that came with the topcoat was some ridiculous mutant of a brush with fibers sticking out all over. I coated more of my fingers than usual trying to apply it.

I liked it okay when I tried it - it wasn’t worse than any other polish, at least. But the brush that came with the

Wait, we can’t vote on this without logging into Wordpress?

Wait, we can’t vote on this without logging into Wordpress?

Even when you don’t have that - the last time I had to get a professional reference, they called up and used my current name. And my reference told them “I’ve never heard of her.” Because I never had that name when I worked there, obviously! It’s stupid to have to be so specific about which name you had when you

Hah, I feel you. I jumped at the chance to change mine again when I got remarried, but since my daughter still has her father’s name I get “Mrs. Exname” still.

I totally agree with you, even though in my house he earns all the money and I manage all the money. So he always asks before making a large purchase. And I do not, because I know whether I can afford to go on a fabric-store binge this month or not.

When I was single-parenting (and getting only sporadic support from the Exhole), I had to get a childcare subsidy in order to keep my job. I couldn’t keep it and pay the full price of daycare and eat. And I was already getting a discounted rate because my daughter was in a daycare that I’d taught at for 5 years and

And years later, in hindsight... I still love my husband and have no desire to fuck off*, but it bothers me that I’m not earning an income. On the other hand, I pay all the bills and I’m not even sure he knows the passwords to the bank accounts, so I could get pretty far ...

Ahahaha yes! That is a thing of beauty.

Hidden Valley is where I learned to drive. A windy road past huge horse ranches. Lots of sharp turns, lots of accidents through there.

I mean, are we SURE she’s endorsing him? Given her bizarre sentence constructions she might have just been ordering a Big Mac or something.

With like, the added douchiness of “I just can’t remember those wacky brown-people names”.