many bells down wears many stupid hats

I used to feel the same way about avocado, but eventually I decided I liked them. Maybe I just had really bad avocados the first few times?

Yup. I am pretty sure my ex is a textbook sociopath. Nothing is EVER EVER his fault. He was once fired from two different jobs on the same day for sexually harassing female employees. But it was all a conspiracy! People were just jealous of his brilliance!

Now playing

I’m just playing this on loop basically all day. The only Christmas music I can tolerate.

Oh god yeah, he threw so many guilt trips at her! “Your brother and sister want to know why you hate them and won’t visit.” What bullshit. She calls them on the phone!

Even funnier, without even knowing who she’d confronted, I knew EXACTLY who that last person was. “That was Jane Smith, wasn’t it?” “Yup.”

There was a blurb about a play I directed in my senior yearbook. I was called “The Infamous Many Bells”. Like ... I was infamous? No one told me??

Mr. Bell’s 10-year reunion was missing one guy. Mark Hacking. Reporters kept sneaking into the reunion and ambushing people. So, after that, I think I’m okay with running into that-bitch-Nicole from high school.

A friend of mine confronted 4 of the people that bullied her at our 20 year reunion. Three of them apologized and gave various reasons why they were so awful in high school. The fourth one said “I don’t know what you’re talking about, that never happened, and it was a long time ago get over it already.”

My high school class invites everyone to the decade reunions, but the five-year ones are private gatherings of the cool kids that the rest of us don’t find out happened until they post pictures to the Class of 91 Facebook group. Oh, 20 of you went to Cabo for the 15? MUST HAVE BEEN NICE.

I’m visiting my in-laws, which is a better vacation than if I stayed home. For me at least. Going to the place where everyone is like “You’re so awesome put your feet up and rest” instead of at home where people will want me to DO things. I hit the in-law jackpot, I did.

jesus kinja hates me today. Not only did it post this twice, but it posted my followup as well.

My ex kept nagging me to force our daughter to visit him, when she was a teenager. Threatened to sic CPS on me and everything if I didn’t “enforce the visitation agreement.” I said sure, I could force her ... but in a year and a half she’ll turn 18, and then where are you going to be?

It’s accurate, though.

My daughter’s down in LA for Christmas. My forecast is showing rain and a low of 27. White Christmas??

Much better, thank you. :) She’s got a digestive disorder and she’d lost too much weight so they just wanted to plump her up with an NG tube.

Hah, that actually drove the doctors nuts, because with my erratic cycle, I had no idea when my last period had been. BUT - I knew the likely date of conception, because it was pretty much our very first try at getting pregnant. They get really confused when you actually know that.

Man, my daughter spent a week at Seattle Children’s this year, and she only got to meet therapy dogs. Which, don’t get me wrong, she loved - but she really was hoping for a Seahawk or two.

My cycle has always been erratic, so I was 12 weeks before I realized I was pregnant. That’s pretty much the whole first trimester. I never got sick, I hadn’t gained any weight - except that one day I noticed my breasts were larger.

I’m pretty sure he requires all women in his presence to be as Stepford-esque as possible.