many bells down wears many stupid hats

I was obsessed with c3PO. Possibly because on the inside I am also a neurotic annoying robot.

Seriously, she regresses. She starts out as a badass and turns into a whiny Juliet by the end. Makes it even more ironic that she’s like 14 in the first movie, because she turns into a melodramatic teenager.

And she never learns that’s when you eat, I bet. I’d be like, “Mom, I have class Friday from 9-12, don’t call me then.” And then the next week she’d call me at 10:15 and say “oh, I thought you said that’s when you DIDN’T have class.” EVERY TIME!

oooohhh THAT makes WAY more sense hahaha!

I went back to school as an adult, and would make a point of telling my mother when my classes were, so she wouldn’t call me during them and then get mad when I didn’t answer. One semester, I had a late registration time and was only able to get one class that met one day a week. Guess which day she would always try

It’s a short nap, at least, so I’m hoping it won’t misbehave too badly. The pattern I’m using shows the dress made in stretch sequins which seems like a REAL nightmare.

Hemming also sucks. It’s a bit better since I invested in a dress form, though.

It’s objectively excellent writing. It’s not as gory as Daredevil was (I don’t do gory, Daredevil lost me forever at the car door). But Jesus ... it is upsetting. It’s like, they finally made the superhero show for women, with a nearly all-female amazing cast, and then made it painful for women to actually watch. And

There’s a Cactus near me, which is sort of Mexican-ish, but it’s pretty tasty. Otherwise it’s all the whitest Mexican food I’ve ever had. Who puts RANCH DRESSING in a taco, for chrissakes?!

I don’t understand what you’re saying. Are you trying to say Bellevue has better Mexican food than Los Angeles? Because I’m sorry friend but that is not accurate.

We just started Jessica Jones last night and I am honestly not sure I’m enjoying it. It’s really good. It’s also incredibly upsetting pretty much all the time.

Apparently there’s a hard ginger ale too. Someone brought it to Thanksgiving but I didn’t get to try one.

omg I just remembered there’s a local brewery that does a seasonal German Chocolate Cake beer that is ... indescribable. It sounds like it’d be gross. I don’t even like German Chocolate Cake. But this stuff is literally nectar of the gods. I’m gonna need to run my growler downtown and see if there’s a pub that’s got

:( Sorry babe. <3

Not knitting but currently procrastinating on the holiday dress I’m supposed to be making for next week. Cutting out patterns is my least favorite part of sewing. Also I’m a little afraid of the stretch velvet I bought.

yeah the liquor tax here in Washington is ... prodigious. The Costco membership pays for itself in booze alone!

oh my god, that stuff is so dangerous. You can get through 4 bottles before you realize you’re drunk as fuck.

I have a sibling that I’m ... 90% sure is trans, but because he refuses to actually talk to people about it it’s been a bit difficult. Our youngest sister told me that he’s using male pronouns now, and a masculine version of the feminine name he was given - but he won’t actually tell anyone. He just gets mad if you

I wait pretty much all year for Costco to get their Sam Adams holiday pack in, JUST for the Chocolate Bock. I dunno what it is about that beer, but it’s so delicious. And they don’t fill the rest of the damn carton with IPAs like everyone else does.

Yeah, since I moved to Washington from Southern California, Mexican food has been VERY hit or miss. Chipotle is at least consistent!