many bells down wears many stupid hats

You’ve reminded me of possibly the only celebrity sex dream I can remember, where I was the mistress of either Hugh Jackman or Viggo Mortensen - it kept changing in the dream. And I met his wife, at an Oscar party or something, and she was all “Oh hello darling, you must be the new friend. Yes, we have an

holy shit. all the internet hugs to you.

Mr. Bells left the church shortly before going on his mission, but I’d be lying if I said I never wanted him to dress like one so I can bang him. ;)

Sometimes I don’t even realize until I wake up that it wasn’t the current Mr. Bells in my dream, but the unlamented exhole. Blagh.

Ohhh I get the bathroom dreams, usually when I actually have to go but am too asleep to realize it and wake up. So I spend half the dream trying to find a toilet that I can use. Often in a vast mazelike building with hundreds of bathrooms, all of which are unusable for some reason.

It’s only because I have literally had the dream so many times. Possibly hundreds. See also: dreams where I have a mouthful of gum or something that I can’t quite manage to entirely spit out.

I’ve got one. It’s pretty good. The last setting is sort of a random scroll through the intensities and it’s pretty fun. The head shape doesn’t quite do it for me, though.

I have that! I like the last setting.

GOD that is a good butt.

I have only ever wanted to bang one teacher, and it was a college math professor. And I was 38 and he was 42, so it could have worked.

Sometimes I wake up and tell Mr. Bells “You were such an asshole in my dream.” And he apologizes. The poor man. How he puts up with me.

That is a lot more amusing than Mr. Bells was on Ambien. He’s not allowed to take it anymore.

oh god I would hate myself forEVER

Ugh the number of dreams I’ve had where I’m boning my ex again. And he wasn’t even good when I was married to him! Why?!

I had one with my father too. And all I remember was that he was totally flaccid but I was still trying. eugh.

Truth I have had that losing teeth dream sooooo many times. And always when I was under epic levels of stress.

Nope, the beard doesn’t hide his smug little expression. Objectively, he’s attractive enough, but the smug is a Sahara-maker down there.

They’re not naked! They have HATS.

Tilda Swinton, like her alien co-pilot David Bowie, transcends all genders and sexualities. So yes. And no.

I kind of want to get it for my beauty box samples. Put an organizer on top, and fill the little drawers with those tiny tubes you get.

I kind of want to get it for my beauty box samples. Put an organizer on top, and fill the little drawers with those