many bells down wears many stupid hats

You misunderstand me. I do not believe he is mentally ill, that’s why I put it in quotation marks. It is a commentary on the tendency to excuse a white male shooter’s behavior whereas other ethnicities do not get this “pass”.

I read the cops had a hard time getting into the building ... because all the windows were bulletproof glass.

“Mentally ill” gunman, to be accurate.

Seriously, no one can afford to shop there. “Oh I’ll just pop into Hermes for some stocking stuffers!”

Eh, I think the Eastside is a very different area than Seattle proper, as much as they get lumped together into “greater Seattle area”.

The Bravern is empty because nobody can afford to shop there. The entire mall is high-end designer stuff. They should just make a lot with 40 Tesla charger spaces, that’d suffice.

The PS4 controllers appear to be gone. Best price I’m seeing is $50.

The PS4 controllers appear to be gone. Best price I’m seeing is $50.

Do NOT go to Disneyland on Thanksgiving. I learned that the hard way. It’s one of their busiest days of the year. You can barely move in the damn park. It is the opposite of fun.

Maybe I should have added a disclaimer that I am about as white as it is possible to be.

It took a little extra cooking time, but we all got FED. Yey.

This super belongs on that #whitepeoplethanksgiving or whatever it is. Because only white people would come up with combining the whitest foods possible.

I just pulled the turkey out of the fridge and it hadn’t thawed. Frantically thawing now.

I’m going with “nothing because you hate everything I do anyway, I might as well not spend money to be mocked.”

Well that’s a weird-looking fedora, no wonder they were confused.

Yeah, I wouldn’t last 5 minutes with it; I don’t do gore. My 18-year-old daughter, however, will probably love it to pieces.

I just lube it up good and pop it in one of those oven bags. Crispy golden skin, reduced cooking time, and nice and juicy.

I was teaching a youth group, and one of my girls (age 14) came in with Pop Rocks and a can of Coke. So, jokingly, I told her she’d make her head explode. “Ha ha good one Ms. Bells”. Then I told her, still in the joking tone, that it was REALLY cool if you stuck them up your nose.

Babymetal is a delight.

Maybe if it were shorter it would look intentionally rumpled and not just too big.

Oh. Oh yes.