many bells down wears many stupid hats

Brain of Morbius was my favorite episode. When I realized he was on Karn with the loopy-ass Sisters of the Flame I nearly wet myself.

I think the mini-episode was very nearly better than the entire special. But the special had Tom Baker gnawing all the scenery and I will forgive anything for that.

And let’s not forget Hugo and Nebula award winning author Vonda McIntyre, who somehow produced the utter crapfest that was The Crystal Star.

Seriously Sarah Jane was with the Doctor longer than ANYONE. She deserves a mention. All she gets is “sorry, you can’t come to Gallifrey, catch you later” and then he doesn’t even bother to call.

Oh thank god, someone said it.

Well “porn” apparently has a lot of different meanings since Thai is a tonal language. I think when it’s used in names it’s “fruit” or “flower”. It can also mean “powder”.

Cremains are actually a huge problem for Disneyland. People keep trying to dump their loved ones in the Haunted Mansion.

I honestly do not think I could push the button. I would be certain that they were really somehow not dead and I was immolating them. Alive. Nope. Not gunna.

You. You get me. You don’t live near Salisbury Plain, by any chance?

Yeah, I’ve noticed that a lot of the puns are contingent on mispronouncing pho with a long O.

I think if I really wanted to commit to the theme Christopher Lambert would need to cut my head off with a katana. In fact, I know where that sword is... hmmm ....

Well that will make someone’s job easier. ;)

Oooh, also, everyone must wear fancy hats. No admission without a fancy hat.

You know, you said Night on Bald Mountain but in my head Ride of the Valkyries started playing. Acceptable alternative?

I am so goddamn sick of the IPA fad let me tell you.

Fine I wouldn’t have you as a friend anyway!1!!!!!1

Oooh I like this one. I’ll put it in my will in case none of my heirs are willing to fly to Stonehenge.

This is what my dad wanted, honestly. I was prepared to break a few laws to at least set a boat with his ashes in it on fire, but then he donated his body to UCLA Medical instead.

I would like to be cremated and have my ashes scattered somewhere illegal. Like Stonehenge.

My garbage workers have those automatic can-grabber trucks. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen any of them get out of the truck.