many bells down wears many stupid hats

And Milihelen too :(

I told someone once that, in a pinch, I have put Johnson’s Baby Lotion in my hair. They were appalled. “Oh gross doesn’t it get all greasy??” NOPE that’s just a drop of water in the Sahara, my friend.

oh god. I can picture it. It is tragic.

I’ve read that, when washing your hair frequently wasn’t a thing, that the daily “100 strokes” really did distribute the oils and keep it looking clean*. Now that we have access to hot water and shampoo it’s not necessary.

I also have that haircut, maybe a year or two earlier. I can only hope that no pictures remain.

You’re better off than me, I didn’t figure it out until probably 26. And my hair was to my ass at that point.

Mine is also fine, and it’s tricky! Because mine wants to be straight on top and then ShirleyFuckingTemple at the ends. A lot of the tips for curly hair assume a thick or coarse texture because that’s probably most curly hair.

Someone turned me on to this stuff in a “Best product” thread and it is AAAAA mazing. My hair is fine, so anything too heavy makes it all limp and stringy. Especially on top, where it likes to be straight no matter how short I make my stylist cut that layer.

It has to do with the concentration of milk ducts, partially. And there’s a whole slew of hormonal factors that can affect that. And the more milk you use, the more you’ll make, but even then some women’s “most” isn’t enough. But yeah, a bigger breast doesn’t necessarily equate to more milk production.

Hmmm that might be worth a look. Those Body Shop tea tree ones are tiny and I end up using a dozen on especially oily days.

I’m laughing partly because Kinja is fucking up right now. I have 35 notifications and 20 of them are this comment LOL

I dunno, it’s kind of cathartic, honestly. At least for some of us.

This triggered a memory of me walking with my thumb hooked into my jeans pocket, and my mother saying “Stop that! You look affected!”

oh my god oh my god oh my god

I have a very long torso, so even when my belly was sooo flat crop tops were borderline scandalous on me. A sliver of midriff on anyone else, an acre of waist on me.

Yeah I think they just get different kinds of crap a lot of the time. My dad was an engineer; academic achievement was really important to him. So my brother got a lot of “why can’t you be like your sister who is reading 4 grade levels ahead??” My brother’s not slow. He just wasn’t already reading and writing in

I think that, even as kids, you can tell when someone’s being actively mean and when someone’s just heckling. Because I certainly rib the crap out of my teenager but she’s never taken it seriously because she knows she’s adored and that I’m not serious when I call her “u lil shit” in a text message or tell her “move

Right? Like what is happening on top of my head there? My bangs are IN ORBIT.

I’ve got a friend who has straight blonde hair, but she married a black guy. Both their daughters got that fine-but-intensely-curly hair. Poor mom doesn’t know how to handle it, and dad can just shave his if it gets too much so he’s never thought about it. I went over there with a basket of hair product for them to