many bells down wears many stupid hats

I played Magenta in a Rocky Horror cast for 3 or 4 years, and I did not require a wig. I’d just comb my hair out. The only time The Dreaded Frizz Triangle of Doom ever was a plus!

Me, 1983. I was 10 years old. And my hair didn’t even get really curly until I hit puberty. Yeah, that brushing sure made it look great! Just like Farrah Fawcett!

I’m sorry but I can’t stop giggling at “wrinkly hair”. I’m going to call it that myself from now on, it’s adorable.

My ex also has curly hair, but somehow we cancelled each other out and our daughter has thick wavy hair that is really difficult to curl. Or to straighten.

This is the best comment. There’s no controlling. Only suggesting.

Oh god we had the same mother. Except mine didn’t wear fake nails. I think that was the most painful thing I’ve ever felt in my life.

Haha you should send her an invoice. She’d deserve it.

(Hugs). I know how you feel. So many years of insults about my looks that weren’t even logical or contradicted each other (telling a short, flat, frizzy-haired brunette she looks like a Barbie - and meaning it as an insult?!) I think this is a good part of the reason I never believe when I’m being hit on.

And breast size isn’t even relevant to milk production! I was a 34B before I got pregnant and I let down like a goddamn firehose. Meanwhile a friend of mine with boobs the size of Volkswagons had to supplement with formula because she couldn’t produce enough milk.

My mom’s hair was stick-straight, and I got my dad’s ridiculous mop. She had no idea how to deal with it. And so it took me until probably my mid-20’s to figure out how to make peace with it.

This is another star in recognition that your mom was shitty. So so so shitty.

I’m kind of starring everything in solidarity. Because I want to acknowledge that shit was fucked up.

Ughhhh my mother would just DIG her nails into my face to get my blackheads. Now I have acne scars, thanks mom. She never had a zit in her damn life, but she sure liked to tell me what to do with mine.


:( :( :( :(

“If you’d just BRUSH your hair more often it would look good!”

Part of why I loved this blog so much is that I’m in my 40’s and never really learned to makeup. Here you can say that, and there’s no assumption that, duh, of course you know what all these products are and how to use them!

I would like to join this sisterhood of the 40-something oily women. Here is my letter of introduction, written on a pile of Tea Tree Blotting Papers.

I don’t have a twitter or an Instagram, but I gave you a follow on The Facetits.

oh jesus christ