many bells down wears many stupid hats

Seriously, they keep saying “oh you have to learn how to work with people in the REAL WORLD” and I’m like A) if you’re working with people AT WORK you all have the same hours and you don’t have to try to coordinate 6 schedules in your free time, and B) 95% of my course was women over 30. We’ve all had jobs. We know

I can’t drink yet because we’re meeting some friends for their birthday party later, but I really really want some of that stout. Dark beers are my jam.

Girl I feel you, I just had this happen with the plumber. Quotes me $150 and then hands me a bill for $700. NOT OKAY.

wtf your mom. That was a shitty thing for her to do.

I turned that commercial off partway through because I could see the stupid tears coming. NOPE.

I think it’s “Pomp and Circumstance” that makes me cry.

The end of the Doctor Who anniversary special. My dad introduced me to Doctor Who. Tom Baker looks a lot like my dad. All it took was the back of his head.

Okay so I actually didn’t cry during this (maybe?), but I sympathize because I had to deliver a final presentation once when I had shingles. For people who’ve never had it, it’s like all your nerves are reacting to ...air? Constant pain with a side of sudden stabby pains that make you gasp out loud. And it was in my

Aaaand we have a winner.

Mr. Bells is a great cook, but if something is not “spicy” on a single taste, he will add some more. Which leads to meals where the first half-dozen bites are great, but as you eat the heat builds to unbearable.

I was thinking that my most embarrassing time was a high school political science class. We’d gotten into an argument over ... I don’t even remember what, now, the death penalty or gender equality or something. 30+ kids in the class and a grand total of 4 of us were on the liberal side of the spectrum. So here I am,

I still feel like I’ve never really properly mourned my father. My tears just haven’t been enough. (((hugs)))

Ooh have you got Tough Boris? That one makes me misty. But the good thing is, it’s supposed to!

Pregnancy hormones are NUTS. The saddest thing in the world will be happening and you breeze through like a champ. And then you see a leaf fall off a tree and lose it.

Like, I was expecting it to be sad. I was expecting Ellie to die.

The end of the Vorkosigan series book Cryoburn (90% of these books are hilarious space opera and then suddenly the author will punch you direct in the feels.)

C3PO was definitely male to me, but R2 was genderless. Although ... now that I type that, I wonder if I really did see Threepio as male. Because I almost never choose a male character over a female one, given the option, and yet in 1977 I was C3PO for Halloween and not Princess Leia.

That mural thing a month or so ago that was covered in weird birds did that to me. This matches NOTHING in my house, but I want it??!!?