many bells down wears many stupid hats

That’s funny, because I thought that’s what would happen when Mr. Bells told the missionaries he’d left the church. They never came back, though. Maybe because Mr. Bells’ father and uncle both work for the church, so they figure he’s their problem.

This is pretty much the best outfit right here:

Yeah maybe “Rey, a major female character”. “Female Rey” seems to imply the existence of a “male Rey”.

Chock-full of ambergris and lead!

Curly hair problems:

This is not a weird thing for those of us with curly hair. It tends to be super dry. Mine gets rinsed and conditioned every day, but I shampoo twice a week.

Guy in the top left corner’s face, too. Like “Jesus what is happening. No no stop.”

I like this theory, because my husband is afraid that Bernie’s going to end up running as an independent, splitting the Dem vote and giving us President Trump.

Like, clearly, I am aware that I do this. But I can’t stop? It’s like an involuntary mouth-fart. Apparently I even did it last week, but I was so asleep I don’t remember saying it at all.

Right? Oh, what’s that honey? Your 20 year old blonde co-worker says there’s a Magic tournament this weekend? Yeah you guys go have fun!

To reiterate what Lucent said earlier: I’m bisexual. Should I not have friends of either gender that I spend time alone with? Because honestly if I wanted some strange I’d be more likely to go for a woman than a man who is not my spouse.

Yeah, some nights Mr. Bells’ insomnia gets the better of him and he’ll stay up really late. I’ll wake up at 2am to an empty bed and be unable to sleep until he comes back. I can fall asleep fine without him, but I can’t STAY asleep.

Mr. Bells and I are both occasional snorers. He’s really good about rolling over if I poke him. I, on the other hand, invariably respond to being told I’m snoring by irritably declaring “I wasn’t even asleep!” and then rolling over and immediately going back to sleep.

Will your mom adopt me? I won’t even ask to borrow the beach house.

My in-laws do this. She’s a very light sleeper and he’s an insomniac. So his bedroom is downstairs and hers is up. It seems to work well for them!


I (somehow) hadn’t seen any news about the movie at all before watching it, and 30 seconds into Jar Jar’s appearance I’m looking around the theater thinking “Other people are noticing this is like a racist caricature, right? That he sounds like Buckwheat?? It’s not just me????”

Pfft like a MAN is gonna change diapers!

Fair point.

This was a franchise (not KinderCare, but something like it) and it was AWFUL. I came in when they’d just opened, so my ratios were nice and low at first. But I had nothing in my classroom but furniture. No supplies, no toys, nothing. I brought a ton of my own stuff, and then went out and bought art supplies - which