many bells down wears many stupid hats

Less than one death in 100,000 women from abortion. Meanwhile, the maternal death rate in America is 18.5/100,000.

I was teaching a pre-K class when I got the “brand new curriculum” we’d been eagerly awaiting. It contained such gems as “Uranus is the planet scientists don’t know anything about.” and “Teach your students to say ‘Good Morning’ in Braille” followed by a diagram of the ASL signs for “good morning.”

Honestly, with 10+ years of preschool teaching under my own belt, I’d have noped the fuck out as soon as I saw all those acronyms. UGH.

And for some reason, the pharmacy puts my thyroid meds in a huge-ass bottle that is WAY bigger than needed for 30 pills. I suppose I could pop some in a different bottle, though. Not like anyone’s going to know what they are just from the pill.

Which is probably why I didn’t even know it was a Thing You Shouldn’t Do, sadly.

Seriously if that is a thing you can be arrested for ... I practically carry a pharmacy with me when I travel.

I know. I really really hate the Christmas Creep. Could we at LEAST wait until after Thanksgiving to start? I’m not even asking for December, just not IMMEDIATELY AFTER HALLOWEEN!

As long as the “default” setting is white, and most of the superheroes we get are white (see the comments about Peter Parker), white people don’t get to take over the ones that aren’t. We don’t get to take more than what we already have, which is MOST OF THE THINGS.

Someday, if humankind really and truly manages to transcend race entirely (I’m not holding my breath, though), white people can play characters of a different race. Until then, sorry, we don’t get to. There can be a Black Batman but not a white Storm. It doesn’t go both ways. That’s trying to be equal at the expense

I remember doing a touring presentation in high school for Women’s History Month. We went to all the elementary schools and did little skits about famous women. I was Annie Oakley. My equally lily-white friend was ... Marian Anderson. Unfortunately, my school was extremely white.

Try “Hamilton”. Not exactly what you’re looking for, but pretty close!

omg I hate this man’s face so much it’s not even rational.

I heard a version this morning with the genders of the singers swapped. It was not less creepy.

Rejected Muppet #423

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Woo! Speech Pathology! I didn’t get to finish my degree because we moved abruptly 3/4 of the way through. It’s so interesting!

I did manage to negotiate a free spot for my infant daughter at one place I worked. Only because it had just opened and they weren’t full yet - they could only take 6 infants total, and I was taking a paying spot!

I’ve been that childcare worker. I managed to negotiate infant care as part of my compensation at one preschool, and when I got a better-paying job I still needed a scholarship from the YMCA and a government subsidy to pay for my daughter’s care. And I only got the scholarship because I taught at that Y’s preschool

This looks surprisingly good for a denim skirt, actually. More Mad-Men pencil and less Kim Davis.