many bells down wears many stupid hats

Jesus I’m gonna go have that thing removed before I get any older. The way my family goes, I may not hit menopause until 55 and I sure as fuck do not want to be pregnant then.

Yeah mine are at the perfect just-past-fingertip length. Any longer and I can’t type, and I start breaking them.


There is literally a list on the Wikipedia page. Even the laziest internet research should turn THAT up!

Bloody Vikings ...

My ex* posted a screed on Facebook about how it’s all white people who think the name is offensive and no actual Native Americans care. So our daughter linked him a dozen Native tribes and organizations that are opposed to the name. He deleted all her comments from his page.

Are ... are potatoes a race now? I might be part potato. At least my nose.

Mine is also a Le Guin, but it’s not a book. It’s the short story The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas. I read this when I was 9 or 10. Made me really think about the problems inherent in the “needs of the many” outweighing the needs of the one.

I would like to get in line to accidentally on purpose make out with Natalie Dormer, please and thank you.

I would like to get in line to accidentally on purpose make out with Natalie Dormer, please and thank you.

Eh, I always know the answer for my name too, but for the opposite reason: I’m a Jennifer born in the 70’s. The answer is “Everyone. Everyone has your name.”

It’s so stupid I kind of like it.

Orem is where my in-laws are. The heart of Mormon country, indeed.

My dad didn’t restrict my access to his collection of sci fi, and he had some of the weirdest speculative fiction of the 60’s and 70’s. I read a lot of stuff I didn’t have the maturity to really understand. It’s interesting to pick some of it up 30 years later and go “OH, this is a totally different story than I

When I was about 12 or 13, I decided I was never getting married. Because on your wedding day, everyone will look at you and know you’re going to have sex right after and that would be SO EMBARRASSING.

I watched that NOVA “Miracle of Life” documentary when it came out. I was 10. I understood all of it, women make eggs, men make sperm, the two get together, etc; except that they didn’t seem to explain how the semen actually got inside the woman. So I thought that the guy just kind of squirted it out nearby and it

What McDonald’s even TAKES them? I’ve never seen one that would accept a bigger denomination than $50.

This is one thing Marvel does well, despite its other issues with female representation. They almost never set the women against each other. Iron Man 2, Black Widow comes in and looks like she’s being set up as a rival to Pepper. Instead, she pretty much immediately throws in with her. And she and Agent Hill don’t

The thing about whale skeletons is that they are so often suspended from the ceiling. Hanging there, over your head. Looooming. Waiting to strike.