many bells down wears many stupid hats

The first time we went to the Tar Pits, there was a bird stuck in here. Slowly struggling to get out. I don’t think it did.

Hell, just talk to someone who was born after the internet. Remember what life was like when you couldn’t just look up how to repair a sink or who invented folding chairs or whatever on your phone in 10 seconds? They don’t!

There’s also the $120 gold-coated chocolates shaped like the Virgin Mary.

I have accidentally done this. I wondered why everyone was ignoring me for a week.

I check what’s visible as Public regularly. FB is always changing shit up and old posts suddenly re-emerge. I have a few people I don’t want seeing me.

See, that’s probably what she did. Some people don’t know how to make stuff non-public. I think there’s a good possibility it was a random stranger who happened to see the photo.

I found some trial sizes of that Tri-Wheat stuff at Ulta today. Yey!

I found some trial sizes of that Tri-Wheat stuff at Ulta today. Yey!

When I met Mr. Bells, he hit most of my dealbreakers: younger than me, divorce not final, had a kid living in another state. And it was love at first sight, somehow. And it’s our 10th anniversary next month.

I can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke, but I did date a guy once who smoked but somehow never smelled like it. I don’t know how he managed it, but his clothes/hair/breath/apartment all smelled just fine. His smoking was not even the thing that ended the relationship.

I was told in college my standards were too high, because I had upped them to “has a car” and “is not living on someone else’s sofa.”

Someone’s elbow is always in the way, TBH.

I think I’m seriously going to try and make one myself for some friends of mine.

This explains my husband’s prowess in that area. ;)

At 20, it’s probably some horrible AABB rhyme.

*calls up Ken and sings “Feliz Navidad” for 3 hours straight*

I would like to extend this Tyrannomenorah as a gesture of sympathy.

To be fair, it’ll probably be 80 on Christmas morning anyway.

Halloween is my favorite, but Thanksgiving is a close second. It’s a holiday entirely about making a ton of food and then eating it all. AND NOTHING ELSE. What’s not to love??

My Fred Meyer put out an aisle of Christmas lights right along with the Halloween decor. That was October 1st.

This is literally almost the exact rant I just posted in reply to someone else LOL. I FEEL YOU