many bells down wears many stupid hats

Fabric stores seem to have a policy of staffing as few people as they can get away with. It’s got to be frustrating. The Hancock’s near my house is pretty small, and I’ve seen a grand total of two people working there some days. And of course there’s 12 people waiting for cuts and 7 at the register and they’re all

Yeah, the problem is ... I’ll take a number and stand out of the way, and there’s ALWAYS someone who “doesn’t see” the number machine and swoops in the minute they think there’s an opening with a “quick question.” I’ve seen people freak out that they were waiting “in line for 20 minutes!” somehow without seeing the

There was a great story on Reddit a while back where the guy said he thought his landlord was breaking into his apartment and leaving creepy-ass messages, and he wanted some legal advice. Turned out his apartment had poor ventilation and he was getting CO poisoning and leaving himself the notes, and not remembering

This is every shopping experience at every fabric store, when it is my turn at the cutting table. Just as I go to put my bolts down, someone will just “Um, excuse me, you had this fleece 3 years ago can you check the back for it?”

Those artichokes look like some medieval weaponry.

I asked for sage in my bouquet, but Vegas casinos aren’t super good with special requests like that. They stuck some random leaves in and thought I wouldn’t notice.

Something to snack on when you have to sit through one too many toasts before they serve dinner!

Hey this looks like my hair. Am I wearing a wig? Did she steal my hair?

I think you may have a typo. Is the Tibi code supposed to be NEWCUSTOMER?

I think you may have a typo. Is the Tibi code supposed to be NEWCUSTOMER?

I was joking to my daughter this morning that our house has a ghost who hates window screens. No screen will stay in its frame. And when replacing them, we measure the opening, buy a screen that exact size, and then have it be several inches too big or too small to fit in the opening. My windows are reality-warping

This is a “brothel lamp” from Pompeii. Yes, that is a penis on the end of another giant penis.

Both Michael Jackson and my father died on my daughter’s birthday. Her birthday wish the next year was for no one to die. :(

There’s a horror movie from Thailand called Shutter that starts like this. And it is one freaky fucking movie. As with most things that are good, there’s also an American remake that sucks.

No, I mean, I haven’t ever seen anything, I just keep imagining I will. I freak myself out, no scary ghosts necessary.

I often just wear my pointy witch hat around Halloween day, whether or not I’m doing a full costume at any point. I don’t count it as dressing up. When people say they like my hat, I say “What hat?”

You’re welcome. ;)

Well now I want to do it also. Will you be carrying The Rack and The Squashy Pillow?

I made that holy grail of nerdgirl cosplay, the Slave Leia Bikini, one year. And a dude asked me “Are you ... um ... Xena?” I was super drunk (that is a VERY NAKED costume I needed liquid courage) so I didn’t get as outraged as I would have sober.

I was reading the submission thread and thinking “Oh these are great stories but I’m not scared because it’s 2:30 in the afternoon”. Then I had to go to the bathroom and I kept being certain I was going to see something awful in the mirror. My imagination is far too vivid. And I’ve never seen a ghost!

My daughter has: