many bells down wears many stupid hats

Hah, sorry, I took your comment with the context of the yahoo who responded, and that made it sound snarkier than it was meant!

My daughter is Mexican. No one else in this story is. Thanks for your suggestion.

It’s high school. She’s a senior. I think we’ll manage.

You have to enter an email address and zip code to enter the Kate Spade sale, btw. I’ll figure out which dump address to use after coffee.

You have to enter an email address and zip code to enter the Kate Spade sale, btw. I’ll figure out which dump

It’s like a twitter version of a story my daughter will tell me after school. Full of drama about a bunch of people I don’t know. “And then Lorenzo was cheating on Molly with Pele and Pele was cheating on Corwin...”

I think it’s mostly just a no-no among Wiccans. Other flavors of pagan don’t care so much.

I got one of the specialty Birchboxes this month. I can’t remember what it was called but it was the one without a mascara (I don’t like mascara). It. Was. Awesome. I got one sample of a skin cream that retails for $300, and I only need a dab. My favorite thing, though, was the Clinique “Chubby Stick” lip balm.

Mr. Bells will sometimes put a little note on a post-it and hide it somewhere. I found one in one of my shoeboxes just last month.

If it makes you feel better, the kid is 18 and he’s still $35,000 in arrears. It’s remarkably easy to avoid paying child support if you really want to.

Hah, I think I know what you mean, as I have had some ... extraneous things frozen off with liquid nitrogen. It’s not fun.

I’m sure he had some angle. I don’t think it was this angle, though because I know he didn’t even pay taxes between our divorce and his remarriage. Also, can you even claim it on your taxes? Mr. Bells pays his ex, and we’ve never been able to claim anything for it. In fact, we only get to claim his son in alternate

The only place I’ve worked that was food-service-y was a kid’s pizza party place. Not Chuck E. Cheese, mind you, but a cheaper knockoff version called “Spaceplay.” Our mascot was a beagle in a spacesuit called “Moondoggy”.

I’ve got a didelphus uterus. I will not be getting an IUD. Or two IUDs, as the case may be. :(

I actually want to rub champagne ice cubes over my face now.

My mom would grab my face and dig her nails in to pop my zits. Even after I was in college. If I showed up with a zit she’d try to grab it. Bonus: my mother never got acne in her life so she has no idea how painful that was.

I thought this was a picture of what I’d like to do to that margarita asshole.

My ex used to pay his child support in $100 bills (before I gave up and sent him to DCSS). So frustrating to have to make an extra stop at the bank to break it. I’m pretty sure that’s why he’d do it. That, and he could pretend he had a ton of money by peeling off a couple hundreds off his fat roll of ones.

This is true, but I think that trans people in general get a different roster of bullshit aimed in their direction. Does it even out? I don’t know.

I went as a Rubik’s Cube one year. Same idea, but I added some of those eyeballs-on-springs glasses.

I saw the cutest little girl dressed as a cupcake yesterday. With a little cherry on her head and everything. Kids are weird. Mine asked to be a flamingo when she was 3. I didn’t even know she knew what a flamingo was.