many bells down wears many stupid hats

Seriously Caitlyn was an Olympic Gold Medalist long before Kim came along. I’m still not entirely sure what she’s even famous for. Caitlyn’s had spotlight time aplenty.

Yeah not only is it dehumanising to trans women, but what about all the people since the beginning of time that were born with ambiguous or irregular genitals or chromosomes?

I mean, saying you can’t be a woman if you’re not born with the right body parts is essentially reducing women to a walking uterus. And that’s kind of what we’re against.

I had half a dozen cats growing up, and only one that would tolerate a harness. You get some funny looks when you’re walking your cat down the street!

Exhibit A: Bark Vader (aka Chaplin) eagerly awaiting his treats.

I deeply regret not attempting to get with Adultosaur last year when I was in Boston.

I’ve never been able to get through the whole thing, even though I love anything with good costumes. It’s just ... so dull when the ship isn’t sinking. Like, the Titanic is interesting enough without slapping this weak romance into it.

This is Chaplin (as in Charlie), in his patented “plz 2 rub belleh” pose. We think he’s at least half xoloitzcuintli. He loves blankets and sweaters and hates the UPS truck.

One of my friend’s kids has just moved from So Cal to Oregon and she’s not handling it well. She posted a photo on Facebook yesterday of her and the cat swathed in blankets on the couch captioned “omg it’s 65 degrees I’m freezing to death why is it SO COLD”

I actually quite like this and I’m not sure how to feel about that.

My stepson was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes two years ago. He lives with us for 3 months of the year. Guess who is always reminding him to test and asking if his insulin pen is expired and making sure he has lancets and test strips? Guess who has to make sure he remembers his supplies if we go out for the day?

I spent HOURS reading through this last week. It really encapsulated some things I have had trouble articulating.

holy shit girl you are perfection

I made a veil for my first wedding (with a flower crown because I am a fairy princess) but for the second I just made some elaborate hair combs with stuff from Michael’s. My hair is naturally curly and (at the time) down to my waist so I had the curls tidied up and let that be my “veil”.


I got one of these for my daughter who sleeps through EVERY alarm. It definitely helps, especially in the winter. And she uses it as a nightlight on the dimmest setting as well. Now if she’d just remember to set it every night ...

I got one of these for my daughter who sleeps through EVERY alarm. It definitely helps, especially in the winter.

I saw a poster for this in the mall a couple of weeks ago, and the tagline was “Every Generation Needs a Voice”.

Mr. Bells was surprised when I changed my name. He’d honestly assumed I wasn’t going to.

A friend of mine got married last year, and didn’t change her name and it’s not just relatives who can’t get their heads around it. She gets mail addressed to “Doctor & Mrs. Hisname”. He’s not a doctor. She’s the doctor.

My daughter still has her father’s last name. So half the time the school calls me by that. And, it’s an obviously Hispanic name, so sometimes they send home materials in Spanish. Even my ex who is Mexican doesn’t speak Spanish!