many bells down wears many stupid hats

One thing Marvel’s been really good at in their movies is NOT trotting out that tired old trope of “there’s two women in this story, they must compete to see who is the prettiest princess.” Natasha shows up in IM2 and almost immediately becomes Pepper’s right-hand woman. There’s almost zero “who is more badass?”

I find this oddly enticing. Lace leggings? It’s nuts. I like it.

Tilda Swinton was the first person I thought of. That show would be SO WEIRD and I would watch it.

It’s the “cover all your bases” tactic. “I’m sorry if anyone was offended by that thing I said and also I didn’t say it because I was hacked!”

I honestly think he thought Handmaid’s Tale was a how-to.

“Problem Solver” is not a label?

The only one I could see is the second-from-the-left costume, which is clearly Disney’s Pocahontas. It’s a specific character and not a generic “Indian” (not that Pocahontas isn’t also problematic) BUT only if your kid wanted to be that specific Disney Princess. Adults should not do it at all, I don’t think.

Seriously does anyone anywhere want to dress as the worst Catwoman ever?

Welp. I’m scarred for life.

... oh my god, I am going to try this.

Sounds like the hobo version of steak tartare. Either way, ew.

It’s okay Jay, I’m here for you. More candy corn for us.

holy shit Cassie you have outdone yourself with that one.

Have you never played Saint’s Row? The dildobat is like the best weapon in the game!

You asked one question in your first post. I asked you to clarify it. But I thought you “good day sir!’ed” your way out of here already?

Answers nothing that I actually asked, but good try. I submit you’re not as good at reading social cues as you think.

Oooh I want to recommend The Last Policeman. It’s the first book of a pre-apocalyptic trilogy. I got so wrapped up in it that I actually had to remind myself that an asteroid was not really coming to wipe us all out in 6 months.

Oooh I want to recommend The Last Policeman. It’s the first book of a pre-apocalyptic trilogy. I got so wrapped up

I was disappointed that they neutered Kristen Wiig’s character as well. She got to stand around and look disapproving a lot, instead of being the cranky badass PR lady of the book.

Yay I have a friend!

That might be the difference. I find I’m more conscious of my thyroid cancer scar, even though it’s just a tiny thin line and not an industrial zipper. But I had thyroid cancer at 38. I may feel super anxious about the new scar when I have another open-heart surgery (which is pretty much inevitable with my condition -