many bells down wears many stupid hats


Oh this is so true. My very first day in college, my dorm living room window was right next to a flight of stairs, lots of people going past. I got all moved in and settled down by the window with a book.

So, you’re upset that so many posts are women talking about being interrupted when they’re CLEARLY (based on those social cues you’re so good at reading) not wanting to be. You’re upset that women don’t like having their headphones physically removed from their ears by a stranger, or someone trying to talk to us while

Oh for fucks’ sake.

Like I was saying to someone else, I think it’s probably a function of how long you’ve had it. For some people, at least. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have this scar. And it’s not that I just have oodles of bodily self-confidence, either. At various times I was insecure about my nose, my hair, my breasts, my

I was trying to find this picture and I couldn’t remember the names or how they were spelled, exactly. So I kept trying combinations of “kyrystyna” and “kylyeigh” and “khyrryngtyn” until it came up.

I got dumped by a guy once because I insisted on paying for his lunch.

My sister-in-law showed me an OKCupid conversation where she said to the guy “What you said about going camping alone (with him, before they’d met) made me uncomfortable and I don’t want to meet up with you.”

I had a friend for years that had a glass eye. I have no idea why. I never asked him because ... why? He didn’t have an eye and now he has a fake one and that is literally all I need to know.

My daughter’s got a digestive disorder where she can’t properly process food. She had to be hospitalized last month to get a feeding tube in for a couple of weeks. I mentioned that she was in the hospital and what for ... and one of my friends said “Wow she can’t gain weight what a great superpower!”

I have legitimately been called “fat” when I weighed 101 lbs. Like, they can’t think of anything else in the moment and it just automatically comes out. And I’m just like “haha wat??”

I am super jealous of both your friend and her scar right now.

No I mean, I know it snows, but we’re trying to make a good story here, and lava surfing is WAY better.

I think, in my case, it’s just a factor of having had it my entire life. I wasn’t even 2 years old when I had the surgery. I can honestly forget it’s there. And it’s pretty big - I had surgery in 1975 and suture technology has undergone a few changes.

I am astonishingly infuriated that a total stranger not only interrupted you, but told you what your own reading preferences were. WHAT the FUCK.

I’ll allow it.

I wasn’t HITTING on you, GEEZ. Ego much? I was just trying to be NICE and anyway you’re fat and ugly.

Snowboarding? SNOWboarding???

That trailer looks even better than the book, TBH. It’s just the sort of ridiculous thing that my dad and I would have watched. Like the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie.