many bells down wears many stupid hats

Sometimes, when people point at the scar, I’ve honestly forgotten it’s there. So I think they’re doing that thing where you point at someone’s chest and go “What’s that?” and then when they look down you flick their nose. I legitimately don’t remember that there’s anything odd about my chest sometimes.

Kids will totally believe that, though. Sounds perfectly plausible to 14-year-old me.

Especially THAT one, Jesus! Like, it’s annoying enough to ask about a scar that’s clearly surgical or accidental, but to ask if you tried to kill yourself is beyond the pale.

Hi fellow zipper baby!

I have, but I haven’t used it creepily yet. More as a joke “ha ha it’s a zipper!”

I had open-heart surgery as a toddler, 40 years ago. The scar is very prominent and I make no attempts to cover it. I’ve had it all my life so it’s not a traumatic thing for me, and I still will make up stuff like this sometimes because it’s not random person on the street’s business.

I made myself a TOS dress a few years back, and I think it is the most comfortable costume I have. I did cheat a bit and made the skirt a tad longer: I like my butt to be covered.

No no no, The Fifth Element was Gaultier!

I don’t know what it is about those pants, but they need to get on my butt pronto.

BIZINGLE??? What the hell.

You won’t be alone if we all come over and drink with you.

“Asian food” is way too vague in any case. That just covers way too vast an area. Chinese and Japanese are generally unsafe, but most Thai and Indian are usually ok (as long as you avoid naan, obviously).

There’s a specific brand of gluten-free tamari that we buy that’s ... possibly the only GF product that’s actually better than the one it’s replacing. San-J is the brand.

My period tracker app has a reminder you can turn on that goes “Today’s a great day for a breast exam!”

I had been looking forward to The Martian for months, because I’d loved the book. I got out and couldn’t wait to talk to my dad about it.

Breasts or thighs, depending on what I’ve got. And I just dump the salsa over it. It usually comes out pretty mild because I usually just use whatever medium-ish salsa we had on hand. The nice thing is I can just pull out some frozen chicken and plop it in there. Probably takes about 4 hours on high? Supreme laziness

I watched Broadchurch and it was hard to get used to his natural accent because he’s been playing English for so long. I had to keep reminding myself that’s his actual speech.

I put an anonymous love note in his locker in 7th grade. That didn’t work out for me so well either, but that’s probably for the best.

Update: It was not good. I do not recommend it.