many bells down wears many stupid hats

I’ve got a mushroom gravy pork chop thing simmering away in my crockpot right now. You can shop by recipe on Amazon Fresh, and it helps me not do the “ooh, I totally need this scarf/purse/box of cookies” thing I do when I go to Fred Meyer.

Also great for making shredded taco/nacho fixin’s. Dump in some chicken and a jar of salsa, shred with forks after 6 hours or so.

I’ve got some Target sweater-knit tights that are going into their 3rd or 4th winter. They’ve gone a little pilly, but they’re still so soft and stretchy and my very favorite pair.

I’ve got some Target sweater-knit tights that are going into their 3rd or 4th winter. They’ve gone a little pilly,

I actually thought I had made this comment, because I have been saying this for years.

The last time I was in a hotel, the person in the room NEXT to mine set their alarm for 1am. And then checked out. It went off for 45 minutes before security came. I think I’d take the one in my actual room going off at 7 over that.

And I thought that these shootings were happening because us ladies weren’t putting out ENOUGH??

I just laugh-cried out loud.

I don’t know, seems like a great thing. Those men can go their own way far far away from me.

Yeah, growing up I got rejected by the nerd dudes as much as by the not-nerd guys. I had a huge crush on this kid Mark from 5th grade well through middle school. I tried to join his D&D group to get closer to him. He laughed at me and said “girls can’t play.”

My grandmother tells me that when she married my grandfather (who was the same age as her), she was allowed to sign the marriage license for herself, but he had to have his mother sign for him. The assumption being that you married a man older than yourself, and so men needed to be older to get married without

Bacteria can survive desiccation and freezing, although why that same hardy bacteria would then die when exposed to Martian atmosphere is a bit of plot-selective science.

Mine too, so that sounds like a deal. They probably already are.

I don’t mind a pumpkin beer, but I’m a little bored with the market saturation. I love October. I love pumpkins. But literally EVERYTHING doesn’t need to be pumpkin or pumpkin-spice flavor.

My mother can eat cooked apples, but she doesn’t care for them because she went into anaphylactic shock after eating a fresh apple when she was a teenager.

I can never quite decide if I like a barleywine or not. Like ... I sip it and go “ugh no.” but then I can’t stop tasting it?

I get so depressed when I want to buy a variety pack of some beer and every damn one is half IPAs. It says VARIETY pack not “2/3 some kind of pale ale pack.”

Sometimes when I order the darkest beer on the menu, the waiter will put it in front of my husband instead. Except my husband usually orders whiskey, which causes some confusion. Apparently we don’t like dark beers or whiskey, either.

My grandfather used to call it all “tonic”. But he also only drank whiskey and coke, all day long, so maybe he shouldn’t be used as an example.

The picture is from the touring exhibit the Smithsonian has. It just left Seattle, the bikini was still in it. There’s more than one in existence. True of most costumes, honestly.