
An inexperienced coach needs a reliable brain trust around him.

Any reason you photoshopped in a different picture of Darnold’s face on top of this one?

We’ve all been there


I can’t believe a sports league exists where there are basically 20+ incompetently-run franchises and 1 that feasts on them all.

Collusion? Collusion!

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

Let’s be honest, if any newspaper was going to let a conservative columnist snort the dust of clutched pearls, it was always going to be the New York Times. 

At least there was no cheating with his wife, who is supposedly somewhat promiscuous.

+1 god having mercy upon your soul

Well, it’s not the worst interpretation of The Puppy Who Lost His Way I’ve ever heard, but it’s close.

And yet anyone with half a brain who’s paid attention to football in Los Angeles could (and did) predict this.

bile/dry heaving is pretty horrible. It’s when you know it’s not whatever you ate. 

Throwing up stomach acid - the worst.

In the first trimester of my pregnancy I lost 14 lbs from barfing. Can confirm there is nothing worse than when you’ve puked everything and you’re laying on the bathroom floor sobbing, hiccuping, and dry heaving simultaneously. I was recently told by a pregnant co-worker that I was lucky that I got to lose some weight

Dry heaves are THE WORST. They hurt, and the bile leaves the nastiest ass taste in one’s mouth. 

Can confirm, I’ve managed to poison myself with the combination of crappy cooking skills and the “gee, that’s only x weeks past the sell by date, what’s the worse that can happen?” a couple times. Oh and once my mom poisoned me for Christmas (I’m not sure it was unintentional when I think of it).

Megan had some controversial food takes but she was right to bar this particular blog.

I wondered where “being hit by a bus” or a creative variation thereof would figure. I am disappoint.