
Ben Barnes was basically emanating evil with his perfect hair and beard. He was so good-looking, I had to root against him.

Why is everyone roasting the AV Club for this? It is the right thing to do and even if they are not the Times or The Post, it still matters.


You better believe AV Club will stand firm. And by ‘standing firm’ I mean they will fold like a cheap suit.

What if they co-produced a film with Univision?

I think Alien’s gotta be right up there, even setting aside Skerritt (as a star) and Weaver (as a newcomer). And while I wouldn’t myself place it anywhere near either The Thing or Alien, I could imagine a spirited argument for Predator, especially for a particular kind of “let’s fill this platoon with striking…

I don’t trust anyone who says “Proto-Hobbesian”

...Get me the flamethrower....

Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed.

Meanwhile, the neighbor two doors down has the HOA up his ass over the DirectTV dish.

For anyone who thinks this problem is solved now - if Weinstein was the only powerful producer pulling this type of shit, he wouldn’t have gotten away with it.

As near as I can tell, everyone without daughters thinks sexual assault is perfectly ok.

I have 0 daughters, and I sexually harass people daily. I just don’t know right from wrong yet. Maybe one day...yo, sugartits just walked by my office, i’m gonna go honk one!

The toughest boss of all used to be Mom. I can’t count the number of times I had to abandon games mid-game because if I didn’t “come upstairs right this instant, mister” I would “be in trouble.” And then she’d start counting down.

Don’t listen to them. Your uppers are just fine the way they are. Don’t go “open-concept” with uppers. Believe you me.

If they would have literally murdered the actress that played her and her corpse were literally underneath the stage they were acting on, it still would have been funnier than that inexplicably laugh track filled clip I just watched.

“We fixed up your kitchen, and hung drawings from our kids all over the place!”

NOW how will I know how to fix my uppers?

Yes. That exactly. Jodie Whittaker’s reactions 😭😭😭

Y la dinamita hace boom!

Props to Sam if he actually finishes it.