
LOVED the drone assistance shots. Perhaps some delay in the audio would have made it more convincing, but beggars can’t be choosers (As I recall, delay in audio/video was a large part of why the battle of Mogadishu played out like it did).

I find NDT’s commentary generally thought-provoking, but this level of supposition could go on forever - “What if we don’t know, that we don’t know what we don’t know?”

Seriously. As I consider the size of Terry Crews’ arms, I had a single thought for this fondler, “Dafuq?!?!”

HGTV drinking game: “man-cave” or “open-concept” and you will be nicely buzzed after 7 minutes.

That initial scene in Broadchurch where Jodie Whittaker dreads, then confirms that the deceased is her son...very well acted and shot.

As far as “not giving up hope” - any chance Ron Gilbert ever makes the TRUE version of Monkey Island 3? I mean, MI2 just came out in 1991, so a guy can dream, right?

I saw Man on Fire around the time my oldest daughter was born...I have this bizarre emotional connection to it now, and must watch when it is on.

To be fair, no one is saying Taken has any depth to it at all, but it was on TV the other day, and I watched, bemused, for an hour.

Would be truer to the book version, for sure!

The entire Hong Kong sequence got a cheer from the IMAX audience when I first saw it. A great film that we like to pick at, instead of just appreciating.

In other words - enjoy Kinja!

I play fairly well…its overrated.

I play fairly well…its overrated.

Bears, beets, battlestar galactica.

Bears, beets, battlestar galactica.

Bears, beets, battlestar galactica.

I love Manchester United, but I don't think they will win the Premiership this year…:-(

I love Manchester United, but I don't think they will win the Premiership this year…:-(

How DARE you sir!
- Niles Crane

How DARE you sir!
- Niles Crane