
Serious question: If Viserion is rotting and now has holes in his wings, won’t that affect his ability to fly? Seriously, how long can he last before he falls apart? Gale force winds increase wear and tear.

Obsevation: Rhaegar was very underwhelming & average looking and they could have hooked him up with a different

Well I guess I’ll take “Play Settlers of Catan with Sean O’Neal” off my bucket list.

Oh, like you could remember which was which.

Hate to be the one to point this out, but someone clearly read the leaks from February that have accurately stated what happens in each episode this season

I hope someone gets fired for that blunder.

So the only way to see new comments is to reload the whole page, then scroll down to see what’s new? It feels as if it’s designed to discourage active discussion. I’ll miss the live conversations that used to happen on the AV Club.

The wall is definitely coming down. That’s the final scene of the season

on which note, why is Liam Neeson not Jack Reacher?

There are two things about this (great) article that I disagree with:

I’d also go to bat for certain parts of Iron Man, like the part where Stark blows up the tank or (especially) his breakout from the cave in the prototype armor.

Needed a scene where Wonder Woman is forced to do a strip tease by her in disguise husband.

Gettin’ real tired of old white men telling me that a female character has to be “troubled” to be strong...

I’m sure you guys are overwhelmed with help requests right now, so I’m not fretting it. But I’ve been stuck in the greys and sent an email to the help desk nearly 24 hours ago, with no response.

Dear Abigail,