
Totally agree on the "cops are the serial killers" as being a ridiculous gimmick.

Wouldn't it be the cheapest reveal if either were the serial killer? more enjoyable to see the impact of the serial killer's aftermath and shock wave on them and their families (ok, Marty's family).

I agree. Lestrade has had some great moments in Season 1 and 2, and thusfar in Season 3, he is turning into a lovable moron. It completely ruins his character for me.

I was nervous at first, especially given the harsh intro with Lestrade, but this episode had an enormous amount of redemptive moments. You are right that it was at least an A-.

It would be cooler if Fox gave them tv production equipment, and the islanders had to create, produce, and film their own reality show. It would be like a double decker reality taco.

It may be taboo to say this, but I feel the same way about Jon Stewart.

I have to be real. I'm more of a fingers and toes kind of guy.

That escalated quickly.

Thumbs up for the slide rule. Calculators are for losers!

Barley and Jimes!

Just to save everyone the pain of looking, its at 2:26:00.

"Would you like to ride my Nimbus 3000?"

Keep all tray tables in the upright and locked position.

I was asking for a friend…

Would it help me land Emma Watson?

The Tales of Beating It Hard

Can I say that Emma Watson turned out REALLY WELL, or is that suspiciously disgusting still?

While I find Cohle's personality and philosophy fascinating (unsurprising, based on the comments here), Marty's hypocrisy in conduct and family outlook is pushing the conflict for me now, and I anticipate some violent act of dissonance rationalization.

Do you think Marty's comments to his father-in-law about whether the "good ol' days" were really that good are indicative of subconsciously agreeing with Cohle's Pessimism, or a sign that Marty is slowly being changed to agree with Cohle?