
In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by one 'honest blue-collar' cop. Jesse L. Martin's has been typecast as that cop.

*Tell Gina to steal a look at his file.*

Still chuckling several minutes after reading this. Well done.

This song is terrible.

It was wonderful at the time of release, but doesn't stand the test of time…like the Matrix or Forrest Gump.

Either everyone is so involved in their own emotional turmoil to not think of Ted, or they are tired of setting the guy up after so many years.

Magician's Institute of Teaneck!

Double dukes

Can anything compete with the murder train puppies montage?

Definitely the latter.


Surely you must know that America will always be a two-party system…picking a third alternative relegates you to a lifetime of mature, disappointed head shaking.

but this one has a drug addiction! its different…right….right?

What's wrong with cheap uninspired psychology?!?! I mean, we can all agree that psychiatry isn't even a real thing…right?

Not to take the easy way out, but the different formats and character interpretations make these shows only mildly similar. We might as well compare Sherlock with House or Sherlock with the Big Bang Theory and declare a winner. That being said, I prefer Sherlock to Elementary, and the best example why is each's

Thank you. So many comments trying to explain away that at least this episode wasn't as bad as an episode of some other series, like Elementary or Dr. Who or something - all irrelevant. Out of the 7 Sherlock episodes released to this point (in the US), this episode is slightly better than average. And I enjoyed it a

But at least Leonard still has Penny. rwar.

Quality entertainment and massive amounts of boobs…potato and potatoe.

Please tell me Braugher's "Bloop. I just received a text message" at least made you chuckle. One of the finest moments on television for 2014.