
Well go easy…we're gonna need him next season.

I cannot agree more. The quarterback has to be the single most important position in team-sports. If you truly are "all-that" then you need to get to the big game and win it. I love Marino, but he isn't in the discussion for GOAT. Cannot be.

Good going week 17 against the Packers you prick. (You are much more at fault than any of the defensive players, who apparently didn't want to play in the cold, either).

Funny, I heard Rick Reilly was a pretty big d-bag as well. Of course, I think I heard that on Dan Patrick, so grain of salt vis-a-vis Patrick and anything ESPN related.


False - watching Peyton Manning play football is a singular experience that I absolutely love. Brady is good, but not that different from Aaron Rodgers (football-wise) or Drew Brees (sexiness-wise).

That Joe Buck Live special on HBO made me want to turn away from the camera. Yeesh.

Peter Graves and Mission: Impossible ftw.

But when will Batman: The Animated Series come to Blu-Ray? I refuse to move out of my mother's basement until it does. I don't care how many "Happy 40th" Birthday cards she sends down to me.

Loved her in Die Hard.

The Usual Suspects was spoiled for me, but it didn't ruin the movie at all. If anything, I appreciated it more.

"Can something be ignorant [outdated and unenlightened] and not be truly racist?"

But isn't racism a subset of offensiveness?

Precisely. Once you enter the realm of "comedy" - the likelihood of offending someone increase exponentially. Ultimately, the marketplace gets to decide whether a particular brand of comedy is acceptable - and even this board is evidence of that process (e.g. Sarah Silverman's shtick seems to be ok, Michael Richards'

Understood, but underlying all of this is the basic question: where is the 'acceptable' level of balance between comedy and offense? Inevitably, someone will be rubbed the wrong way. In actuality, the reaction to the episode is probably more indicative of an entrenched worldview, and less about the episode itself

"So this offends you as a Jewish person?"
"No, it offends me as a comedian!"

Cruella De Vil pretty much looks like how I would imagine: a bad botox and eyebrow lift.

Starring Adam Levine as Tarzan!

Newton: I would like to continue to stay in motion with you tonight.
Sexy Assistant: As long as you exert as much force on me as I exert on you.

Marco Polo gets lost at sea and several men develop scurvy…with sexy results.