
Anyone thinking it was going to get a Turbo in this generation was a complete idiot anyways. Toyota teamed up with Subaru because of cost know what doesn’t save money? R&D for a new engine mid-cycle.

This take is incredibly bad and you should feel bad. Luckily, Uber, Lyft, and Twitch all disagree with your moronic bullshit.

Drunkass gets kicked out of a bar, pulls the gun from his pockets and fires at the building. Then tries to get in the wrong truck. Why does he have a gun on him?

Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I’m gonna need you to come in on Saturday...and Sunday, too.

Still more proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Other manufacturers are making the switch to EV because it costs 40k to get into a car with ~200miles and the petroleum crunch is no longer some vague distant threat...and also because Tesla proved that EV’s can obliterate ICE on almost every metric. They were fools to wait this long and the entire market bought ICE be

Huh? This take is so wrong in so many ways.

You’d be amazed at how many Americans consider “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” to be a valid philosophy for life.

Tesla isn’t profitable because they can’t keep up with demand (also due to massive investments in manufacturing and infrastructure), not because no one wants their product.

The dude may be a crazy-pants narcissist, but Tesla moved the electric car forward more in a decade than the last 100 years, and his other company builds rockets that land themselves on robot boats. Don’t pretend like he isn’t helping to shape the future of humanity. He’s just also kind of a dick, and now we know that

Plot twist: I am.

Hate this shit. Back in the day graffiti writers were excited when their work got up in films or whatever. Now you got these “street artists” commissioned and paid to do work in public spaces who then feel like they own the copyright to that public space.

Shrug - you’re right. I shouldn’t care, despite all the people here on Takeout bitching and whining about how people don’t tip them enough.

you’re publicly shaming people giving you free money because it’s not as much money as you want?

we’ve reached peak fucking gawker here. 

Thanks’ takes a second to say. $.06 per thanks = $.06 * 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr = $216 per thanks/hr. You’ll survive saying a quick ‘thanks’.

I don’t feel the need to be thanked for what, in effect, is me getting rid of a small amount of change that will just end up on my bedside table until my cat knocks it down and it goes under the bed. But money is money, and the employee shouldn’t be salty about it either.

It’s not just a tip jar, it’s also a place to dispose of unwanted pennies so they don’t take up space in your pockets.

This all day. The only person in the world that gets to demand a counter tip is a bartender, everyone else be happy you got change. I worked at a coffee shop in college we couldn’t get tips off debit cards. We were thrilled if someone had cash AND threw that six cents in the jar.

Yup... yet another Captain Obvious article... don’t even look at what they’re dropping in; sometimes I add change from what they gave me, so they might be giving you more. You hear the change drop, say thank you, move on.

You know what I hate? The response “It’s not required but it’s nice.” You could say that about all kinds of options people have in every human interaction. If that’s the really the standard, then the counter person should really be as likely to tip me as I am to tip him. I mean, it’s certainly not required. But it