
Ewwwmazing you mean.

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An F1 driver taking a new, white Japanese sports car around a Japanese track? I feel like I’ve seen that somewhere before...

I kinda of want the supra to be over and done with by now. I’m already sick of it and it hasn’t even come out yet. SHOO.

Shh, don't put any reasonable pro-Tesla stuff in the comments, Jalopnik doesn't take kindly to that. Focus on ungainly panel gaps instead.

The Russian Embassy in the United States has a history of tweeting out threatening, bellicose, and frankly weird shit.”

Phil’s a great guy, but even ignoring the oddly astronomical bill for four tires, the irony that jumped out at me was a person who can’t afford tires, driving a Silverado that probably gets 15 MPG.

Ugh, where to begin? It’s the “me first” mentality of really not thinking about anything else on the road.

Thats what happened to my Dad in the late 70s.

I have no issues with non-invasive technology that does not impact the average concert goer’s enjoyment being implemented to protect someone from known stalkers and people who have expressed threats or intent to harm. 

Unions are not bad but they’re not 100% good neither and anyone who thinks otherwise has never worked within a union and has not idea what a union even does.

Yeah it’s a shortcut to how you like the car.

If they knew what they were doing they wouldn’t be vaping.

If FCA issued a recall for everything that has “detached” during my 5 years of Ram ownership, I’d basically be living at the dealership. 

Rudder comes stuck hard to port.

It’s a myth that tipping results in better service. I’ve visited several countries where tipping is not the norm, and the service was just fine.

Maybe better, because as a woman dining alone, it wasn’t just assumed that I’m a bad tipper (I’m not!) and often ignored.

Gee, it’s almost like we should just pay servers a living wage and kick all this dumb tipping shit to the curb. 

Or just maybe include the “mandatory service charge” in the price of the food, instead of lying and manipulating people with false low prices.

Maybe the young’uns frankly don’t realize that they should still tip on a counter-service order.

Meanwhile, London, a city where people can’t have guns, has a murder rate higher than New York, a city where people can have guns.

How about we popularize the term ‘net-zero gravity’?  Would that clear up some of the confusion?  Make it more clear that it’s a perception thing, not an absolute?