
Plot twist: in the neolithic era, hipsters were the ones without beard.

I find this article interesting coming from a site that “advises” readers to buy things they really don’t need all the time.

Why, when you can double-dip from the affiliate link kickbacks AND the articles bitching about how Amazon is evil?

Welcome to the left side of the political aisle.

I’m getting such conflicting messages from gizmodo telling me about all the great deals tho

So you readily admit you have poor social skills, then proceed to tell everyone how they should act.

You sound really fun at parties.

You’re welcome. 

Only I can be the judge of how innapropriate the presentation was.  Please post link to presentation for research purposes.

How does salmonella get into what I assume is a dry, cooked product? Accidentally sprayed with chicken blood between the oven and the box?

OK, that’s just too easy for jokes.

Please stop assigning that comment regarding musk’s rescue submarine to the”rescue chief”. That was a comment made by a political figure that had no direct technical involvement with the rescue whatsoever and likely can’t even swim.

Taking jabs at a person who simply wanted to help... meanwhile what good did you do Hogan during these past few days?

Not to mention, you aren’t going to skip someone who reserved on day 1 if you put down 2.5k. Unless said person opted for a base model that will come out soon or that person is in another country.

The writers at Gizmodo and this whole operation have horrible opinions that they feel the need to shove down our throats and ruin otherwise half decent articles. I was just trying to recall at what point they decided they didn’t like Elon Musk, as every article they wrote for years was nothing but praise. Now they

This article needs to shoved up his ass. Adam has always been the laughing stock at Gizmodo for quite some time now. He’s a pathetic beta male who’s only purpose is to write trash articles and generate page clicks. 

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.

I’m happy to know it’s not just me who doesn’t get it. I just spent the last 10 minutes reading about Nascar specs because I thought, “Well maybe things have changed since I last looked in on Nascar.”

Nope. The car is still spec’d that everyone is running a nearly identical car - engine, fuel delivery, chassis, tires

But the fans do... and it makes my head explode. “Look, it’s a SUPRA!”  Umm, nope.  It’s a tube chassis thing that says Supra on the side.

Toyota will take a nascar car to race at nascar. That car will say supra on it.

No, I get it. I read the entire post, but I’m sure there are people who didn’t and think some racist is perpetrating this. It might be a racist, or it might not be one at all. These things have a way of rocking the boat, no matter who perpetrated it. Racists suck, but hoaxers are just as bad.