
Here he is, ladies and gentlemen: That Guy.

Are you serious? They are on the highway and those trucks have speed limiters.

You’re a fucking idiot. It’s 100% on the car.

The simple answer is no. There has not been a study done that matches calories, matches protein intake, and controls for calories/macros consumed (ie not self reported) that shows anything other than energy balance is king.

It’s Gizmodo. Don’t look for insight or logic, just feelings and bull shit.

Hi there FA5FTW. Let me say upfront that your comment suggest you are an honest and upfront person. So please don’t take my comment as “trying to put you down”.

There’s a bit of irony in people thinking “ghetto” belongs to the black community.

That sure sucks for you then.

Not at all like Diallo, actually. Completely different set of circumstances, apples and oranges. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. It’s possible for one person to do some dumb shit and someone else to get murdered by cops for doing nothing wrong. The skin color isn’t always the determining factor even though you feel

Yeah god forbid someone have a differing opinion here than you. You’re exactly what you hate. Life must be real fucking dope being such a close minded clown. Come here with a mind of your own, able to discern truth from half truth, agree with most things but speak on the stuff I disagree with and clowns like you just


Nah but if I were I’d damn sure blow your god damn brains out if you acted a fool and brandished a gun or anything like one in a menacing fashion at me. Fuck you, in any case resembling what this cat did. Hot balls would be heading your way.

Just because buttons have been the common UI for many years doesn’t mean they are the best or only way to control HVAC or music or anything else.

Minimalist design is still cool right?

Doesn’t seem quite right to call him a “Russian spy” when he was a double agent spying for UK.

No one wants to be told/forced what to believe. I can’t echo your “Go China” when there are people (Christian or not) being abused by enforcers of restrictions on what we take for granted.

Are they also tackling the decidedly non-trivial and very Australian problem of peeing against gravity ?

Nah...he was referring to the cost of the blowjob from the pretty girl dressed like an Indian princess standing beside the souvenir shop.

I would argue that someone who admits they would shoot someone but don’t “because of laws” is not fit to own a firearm.

Good. At least then we make it harder for them to kill people in mass. These nuts want their name in the paper. They want to be remembered. Would you rather have an AR-15 and 20 dead children every 3 months, or a handgun and 20 dead children per year? I’m on team “fewer dead children.” Even at the expense of not being