
Have the thoughts and prayers started yet?.. I want to make sure I do my part!

Not seeing much evasive action...I’m seeing a lot of taking a corner too hot, dumping, instant regret, and then dollar signs. I’m going to guess this guy’s medical expenses and disability are nowhere near 15 million, that figure is probably more aligned with the amount of capital his startup needs....accidents suck

He broke his legs. That sucks. The sandbags shouldn’t have been in the runoff area where people are likely to go off track.

Sigh***. Here in California The delivery nurses have to inform newborns that they will eventually die. By cancer or other means...

See also: self-fulfilling prophecy. Working with someone right now who is so convinced everyone finds her annoying and can’t stand her, and making a spectacle of herself in response to that projection, that eventually it’s all become too true.

Random guy as in Google’s CEO? That headline and the article show it as a “shame on you” picture more than anything else.

Boston Public Schools serves lunch to every kid to avoid this.

People don’t realize how many products phthalates may be used in. Did you touch that receipt made of thermal paper (from a thermal printer?) Thermal paper may, but doesn’t always contain phthalates. Restaurants use lots of canned food. The inside of the can is coated with plastic containing phthalates. Some paper

In fact, that gives about half the satisfaction of cracking knuckles.

So stop it.

It’s people like this (the protesters) that give the rest of us calm, rational vegans a bad name. Shouting at someone is the absolute worst way to get anyone to see your point of view, and they are doing much more harm than good when it comes to animal rights. Groups like this just do these stunts to make headlines,

Good to finally see the sexism and racism around Alphabet finally being brought to light.


This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.

Yes I did.

I agree with you about the memo. Damore was trying to find better ways to get women to int tech, but it was ignored and taken the wrong way. And, I think Istari Rises is one of those close-minded, liberal “women should, in fact, rule the world, hayyy” type of people. Keep writing your own opinions, and fuck what

> Or maybe I actually read it with an open mind.

The stars seem to disagree. The Damore memo could have been more refined, but it was more right than wrong.

56% of the Google workforce is white, 61% of the US population is white.

I had SO many friends who had opinions about “the memo” without actually even reading it. I made them an offer that if they read it and felt that the clickbait headlines describing it were accurate (I selected three), I would give them $20. I’m glad my friends are honest, because they all came to realize how