
My roommate also believes this. He won’t even use water that was microwaved. He is also an idiot.

The idea that you could select for extreme thermophiles from a dish sponge is maddeningly ill-conceived. Also, these theoretical heat-resistant bacteria would pose no greater threat to humans than regular room-temperature bacteria, probably less so in fact, given the cellular resources they’d need to devote to

Good screen name. Sounds about right. Stop reading pamphlets from the 1950's.

Far be it for me to impugn the good Professor Egert’s opinion, but microwaves just heat up whatever’s put inside them. Sure, the mechanism they use is different from, say, a bunsen burner, but the result is still the same. If nuking a sponge to kill bacteria results in heat-resistant bacteria, then so does putting a

Fully recognize it’s not the point of the story but...people...stop buying fucking dogs.

...the hell you talking about?

As someone who`s always an proponent of cars being used as intended (ie. driven) instead of being squirreled away or hooned to death during stupid shenanigans, I`m surprisingly unfazed about the destruction of this car.

So what you’re saying is because a data-mining company collected data on 50 million Americans ahead of the US election, we’re supposed to believe the social network with over 2 billion worldwide users is “fucked”?

Does it have a problem with the golf courses and how much water they use?

Let’s not.

“Hot Spots” because people are starving there.

LOL that would be interesting. Your comment made me realize how mine could have been interpreted, though, so thank you. I don’t mean that everyone should just lie down about it - I just mean that everyone should stop clutching their pearls and fanning their faces and instead take a deep breath and think about whether

Just slightly off-topic, but just a reminder that even if Russia did screw with US elections, the US is just getting back what it’s been doing in other countries for ages.

Judging by the panel gap, model 3? At least they stuck a penny on your car to get it fixed.

There are two reasons why boot camp is infamous for treating it’s recruits like trash, first is that it is an effective team building exercise, nothing will bring a group together quite like having a common enemy. There are other ways to build camaraderie, but there’s limited time at boot camp and it is quick and

THIS!! I never took it personally from my bootcamp sergeants. They were coaxing optimal performance out of a lazy high school graduate in a high-stress environment. NOT ABUSE.

I’m just suggesting that young Americans have had the benefit of an upbringing entirely free from “unpleasant feelings.” If this is a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen. (as a middle Gen-Xer, ‘EVERYTHING’ that “RUINED OUR PARENTS’ LIVES!’ was ‘ENTIRELY OUR FAULT!’ so I have sympathy approaching 0% for any

For the love of god... I get it.. you hate Uber and Lyft... So does every ex-Gawker site

Satire? Or is this an attempt at a racist trying to complain about racism?

So you are commenting on racism with a racist statement. Not all white people are like this, just like not all black people are blank, or all blank are blank. Your statement fuels white supremacist movements by attacking all white people. Please stop all racism for people to be free of these and your terrible