
As a manager myself I completely agree. I don’t care as long as the work gets done and you can work well in a team. I’ve hired some very skilled people that couldn’t work well in a team and that just doesn’t fly either, no matter the race. I’ve had an employee go through a sex change and that didn’t affect their

I wanted that dog to keep biting until the damn perp was stood up in cuffs. Bastard got what he deserved. Bummer for the dog, as he wasted his teeth on that POS.

I wish they would do K-9 implants and put him back out into the field to chew up more assholes who deserve it.

Get out of here with your real life experience! We’ve been assured it’s only supposed to be fire and brimstone.

If you dropped dead today, the world would be a better place. Such a fucking idiot its hard not to laugh at you

You have to be a troll, or you’re insane.

Pretty ironic post coming from someone called ‘FightTheHate’

“Quit my job and give it to a person of color” is about the least productive thing that could happen for our society.

Whoa bro.

Why would anyone ally with a hateful bigot like yourself?

That is a very ironic post coming from someone named “FightTheHate”

Great job fighting the hate with this really helpful comment that really contributes in a possitive manner to this conversation.

You have blinders on. I look at the CV/resume. I look at the relevant experience. I talk to the person and ask the questions that I know will tell me whether they can GET THE WORK DONE right. I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re white/black/blue/hispanic/asian/indian/pakistani/Saudi/from a fucking cave with a beard so

More mysterious then how come there are so many if they are losing money. My city with 1.5 million inhabitants give or take has like 4000 Uber drivers according to the driver of my last ride ca. last monday. It works out to 1 uber per 3750 people (TBH can’t say if this ratio is good or bad or even optimal) and they’re

Not a popular opinion these days, but I’ve seen the same thing. One place I am very well familiar with we pass on white/asian/middle-east/rest of the world candidates that say may be at 95% of what position we’re looking for, in favor of black/Hispanic candidates that are about 80% of the skill set we need.

1) A police dog is an officer.

Or just don’t commit crimes.

“Part of being an adult human is taking responsibility for your own actions”

It appeared perfectly justified to any reasonable person.

And I’m perfectly OK with that.

how about 2 treats. 1 for the dog who is a good boy, the best of boys..yes he is... good puskas.