
If everyone had a sense like you, Toyota and any other company than the first auto company would not take off. Tesla has gone a long way and while it has issues, the coolness factor of Tesla is overwhelming, while the dreading “Corolla” badge is a dragging this great car down.

If the relative speed of driver head and debris is the same, they will never collide... 

Last time I checked both frontal and central aerodynamics of an F1 car and most others direct air in such a way that it almost doesn’t interfere with tires.

Eh, click bait. The speed that matters for the plane is relative to the air around it. This is obviously as normal speed as it gets, just air around it was moving very quickly too.

Wing does it’s job at speeds as low as 60 km/h, so it’s not about how fast you go, it’s about where you position your wings and how well you balance drag vs down force.

Nah, if you are too close you actually are immune to their spray. It’s if you are just the right distance that’s when it get’s worse.

That’s only if you know how roundabout works. If they don’t it’s infinitely hard for them :)

The correct wording for this is “taking racing line” and “failing to turn before the car behind them catches up”. I take the racing line all the time, but I turn quickly so car behind me continues uninterrupted.

It does bother. Even when I have smudge, I wait until I slow down before I use wipers because at high speed most of that water would go onto cars behind you and smudge will become a huge smudge. Idiots always bother me.

Patrol... patrol the lanes. Patrol others... turn on high beams to show you you are wrong. Making sure people are driving exactly on the limit in all lanes.

Are you related to IT in any way? I am just wondering what’s your background to take such a strong stance on what should happen in the industry.

You don’t negotiate with an agent, you pay an agent. They smile to you and negotiate for you... if you can buy brad in a store, that should be no different to buy agent’s services.

In IT unionized folks make less. Again, this is FUCKING IT people. I get it, “save the kids” movement is strong, but in IT we don’t need unions. Plenty of work - go leave and find a new job. If you can’t, you are not a good developer, go back to school or learn at home.

I worked in unionized companies. I know my shit, good try though. “Still” is not the right word when it comes to ones career. Take best you can, and no-union is best for most in IT.

1. If they are treated like shit it’s in their full power to quit and find a new job, ESPECIALLY as game developers. The ones who whine are not very good game developers or developers in general. Good ones don’t whine, just laugh and leave.

I agree, but let’s not take 1% of workers and unionize EVERYONE just so that 1% of people was better off. People with inability to negotiate can hire a job agent. If you are good, agent will negotiate for you for some fee. No need to put a parasite on the entire industry when this can be solved with a recruiter.

Thank you! At least someone understands that union is like a Soviet Union - everyone is equal, but it also means there is no reason to even try to improve.

And what about kids? Puppies? How is your statement relevant to IT? WHO WORKS IN IT WITHOUT NEGOTIABLE TERMS?!

Range Rover that had ample service history, no known issues and just 170,000 miles on the odometer” 

Like I said, good you didn’t do it the first time... you bring a valuable insight to the conversation, keep it flowing.