
I’d say this should be the default filter for all craigslist buyers and sellers too.

And even more important thing about all 3 is they were plots of dystopian movies - which are imagination of humans. We don’t know how the real AI will behave, but I am suspecting it will be quite a while until we learn how to create an AI that has consciousness.

That’s called domain parking and it’s already a thing since 5 years ago.

What turbulence causes a plane to nose dive... what are you talking about? It was just a turbulence and failure to command the crew to their seats and cart back to secure position. Happens, but planes don’t nosedive in turbulence - they travel at 650 miles/hour and can’t “just nosedive” like that.

While beaten by the light attendants? That’s a mystery!


Eh, ok. You stick to unions, I will stick to my reality and we go in peace. I worked in unionized IT companies(luckily not for long) and I worked in other companies. I am good, thanks!

You mentioned nothing about a creature dying in front of you. You are either 50+ years old and made piece with reality or a young cold hearted jerk :D

“When I grow up, I want to become a Highlander”

I don’t think and don’t pretend. I literally take my stuff and go take a new job on. I’ve done it many times, and not because I was abused at work, just because they pay more, or because I like team more, or because I want to travel and work remotely. I also appreciate our industry for the fact that changing jobs

Yep, good that you didn’t write anything to me directly. That time when you can’t say anything towards an argument but to desperately insult.

I don’t know where in IT industry you work, but unlike many trades, IT is so full of opportunities and if you need to pay a union to bargain for you I just feel sad. I am a web developer. I can work for any company in the world remotely if I choose to do so. What in IT are you doing that confines you to small town and

The problem with union is that if you are better than the person who was here longer, you are not getting in in front of them. That’s fundamentally wrong. Secondly, it’s fundamentally wrong to pay fees for union. That’s stealing right there.

For same reason smart folks invested in Toyota, Honda and not Hummer.

What is Tesla suffering with now? All I see is people drooling over Teslas, and myself getting pulled into one. And I was hardcore anti Tesla guy in the beginning.

Be the one who designs and builds robots. Problem solved. Enough whining already about automation - it’s happening and it’s better. If you need someone to provide you a job and make sure it’s there for you for life, you are doing it wrong. Life requires adaptations. Learn new skills, invent a new job, start a new

What stops you from being the one?

I negotiate my own wage, my own working conditions and don’t pay a dime to someone to negotiate for me. Take your career in your hands, this is not a coal industry of 1920s. If you are good, you can negotiate, if you are not good, go become good before you negotiate.

Eh, no thanks. No unions in IT ever! The cancer of innovation, cancer of competition. For only $300 a month you will be bargained to get $0.60 more an hour and you can slack without being fired... F**** THAT SH*T!

Certainly loner than dog will take a leak on your seats. Don’t leave dog for that long in the car :)