
There could always be a separate type of seats for people who don’t fit in 90% of the average flyer description. At extra cost. Flying is not a right and limiting everyone for small percentage of people is not a good strategy.

You are fat?! Buy the lower row for 30% more price... or don’t be fat.

That time when BMW X1 and Audi A3 went for a stroll towards a barn.

GT-R is a human right! Everyone should be able to have a GT-R!

GoFundMe saves many lives and helps many victims of shitty medical system, etc... but I agree, campaigns for criminals should be shut down.

anyone driving a Honda is beige and straightlaced” - when was the last time you observed a person driving a beige honda not straight faced?

Eh, ok, what are you implying?

Is EVO X a regular car? I do brake pad break in every time I replace brakes and I have to do 10-16 stops from 80 MPH down to 10 mph to actually get my pads to finally melt somewhat. Never boiled a fluid.

Probably the later. I know how you feel :)

I am always panicking when I am sneezing because I can’t open my eyes and sneeze on the same time... let alone driving for 20 seconds without looking a the road :D

It’s clutched supercharger. They are a thing. Mad max actually got a lot of things right.

What do you imply? To not duck down at all?


May be one of the wires going to starter broke off? And they stopped to admire a view and they couldn’t start again.. pretty plausible, no?

#4 is also possible if there are paddle sifters.

My Wife told me to stop pointing it out because I ruin the experience of the movie. And I get it. We are down for a movie, at least she can enjoy until I come in with pointing out.

Those are good carts you raced. All the carts I have driven are decent at top speed but are not able to pull much of a drift mid turn.

What’s wrong with that? He doesn’t seem to travel that fast when he is in reverse, and I personally done the move in my manual car, though in a snowy parking lot, but I also care about my tranny and not in danger.

Aren’t cop cars equipped with extra metal panels inside doors?

If you wanted to live you would also drive it like Colin McRae.