
James May is wrong. No manufacturers “tune” a car for the Ring. The Ring is primarily used for driveline endurance testing. If manufacturers truly used the Ring to set up cars they would actually understeer everywhere that is not the Ring due to the need for high speed stability there.

Not hard to figure out:

The car’s design is better than your judgement in making comparisons.

I really like it. Probably the best concept to production design in years.

Can’t wait to play Super Metroid, ALttP and Yoshi’s Island... IN BED.

She probably mad because it smells good and she hangry.

He’s an above average RB. Short of being a stupendously terrific RB, the position is no longer valuable enough for a large financial commitment. This’ll be his age 26 season. It’s entirely possible that with a cadre of less expensive RBs most people haven’t heard of, the Chargers can replicate a portion of his value

I’d have to disagree with the idea that this is a typical case of a team “squeezing” or refusing to pay their star back his due. The Chargers initially offered Gordon 10-11 million per year, which would make him the 4th-highest paid back in the league. For a guy who had 885 yards rushing last year and a lot of

No it’s not. It’s a facelift the way the 2015 Cayenne was to the 11-14. Or the 991 to 991.2.

Watched a youtube video recently about how season firsthand where the Charges once missed the playoffs while having the #1 offense and #1 defense in the league. It was incredibly depressing.

How are you gonna mention her surviving the Hellmouth but not mention that she straight up lost her eyes and stole some new ones from a Hive enemy, hence her unique appearance?

I saw a Sportturismo the other day and fuuuuuu....thats one good looking wagon.

This thing though, is simply stunning (with the exception of some weirdness around the rear diffuser, but i’m nitpicking.)

I agree.

Ugh. I want it so badly. 

Lol @ 31 years old. Those are rookie numbers in this racket

So ... you’re saying a plane that plane that can unilaterally over ride your controls is safer than one that can’t. Everything else being the same?

-1 nonsensical commentary. 

Shut up.

Well, doesn’t that look pretty damn good.

It wasn’t for a Dictator or anything, buy when I was a personal luxury travel concierge, I once had to procure an armored limo of a German maker for an asshole client who was flying to Africa for a holiday party.