
Keep thinking I will get to it, too! I’ve got a few photos, but not a ton. I’ll try working on that this week since it’s piqued so much interest yet again.

Ok, you took it a little further then i would have, but correct none the less.

Yesssss. Another article where a bunch of people angry that they’ll never be able to afford a Corvette tell us all the faults of the new Corvette before it’s actually released!

Wagons are the best cars

You’re deranged.

I see this as a win all around. People who loved the H6 and NA nature of the older cars get the new GT4/Spyder and people who thought the boxer 4s were great get to buy cheap depreciated cars (unless you already bought one in which had to have known it’d depreciate like crazy). It’s a win for everybody.

yeah, there is a doctor around the corner from me w/a 2017 718 GTS in some shade of red. Its awesome. Its basically my almost attainable dream car. It sounds just fine to me when hes driving by. It looks great, its fast, and in the real world how much more engine/performance does anyone actually need/use?

More importantly, it’s Altair. I’d like to see them revisit the setting from the first game some day. Either via a new game or a remake with modern AC gameplay. Like Egypt in recent years, the Holy Lands are not a common setting in games.

While you are right, some of these folks just can’t be convinced. Then there will be the old VW haters who will chime in and say the interior smells like crayons and that every VW they’ve owned (grouping the new cars as well) was a rattle can after XX,XXX miles. What they don’t know is how much of a hand Audi has had

Also, let’s revisit interior quality after 3-5 years of ownership. I’d put money the GTI still doesn’t make much noise, whereas the Boostang would look, feel, and sound every bit the American car it is.

At this point, I much prefer the Grand Tour over Top Gear.

Yes, exactly:

Are you calling Nova Bomb “least useful”? Are we playing ru same game? Why do you think they’re nerfing that super’s main exotic?

I think you’re assuming the blades are spinning. Missiles don’t spin for stability like an arrow or a bullet. They have small fins to provide directional control. Spinning would make them really hard to control.

I guess what you are saying is that the Dems are afraid that impeachment is a political loser and a disaster for the country and they are correct in thinking that and they should do...well, what is it they are supposed to do exactly? You have absolutely no fucking idea beyond “dont be wimps” do you?

“But that doesn’t mean billionaires should be allowed to exist.” What the hell, dude? Who are you to decide that? How do *you* get to decide who gets to exist and who doesn’t? Who the F are you? Did you take the risk of starting Microsoft? Did you employ so many people? Did you bring about a computing revolution? You

I mean, I wrote roughly 1,100 words explaining why I thought it was a good point. You can read those words here if you’re interested.

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!

Hooray! More meat for the rest of us!