
"parents are two and a half times more likely to Google "Is my son gifted?" than they were to search for "Is my daughter gifted?" "

I'm not sorry I don't want my daughter to be fat. I'll do whatever I can to make her the best possible, effective human ever either way but do I want my kid dealing with what I did? No way.

Is "rear ended" a euphemism for some kind of butt-sex thing? God, I hope so.

Right on, Juan Pablo! We should be teaching our kids the the road to happiness begins with group dates, rose ceremonies, hot tubs, and multiple encounters in fantasy suites, all under the watchful eye of millions of television viewers. Because that is normal and not pervert.

Let it go. All photographers use photo editing software. Lena Dunham looks exactly like... Lena Dunham to me. I think she looks gorgeous in her shots. So what if they were edited a little? Big deal. She looks EXACTLY the same as she always does. Oh, and SPOILER ALERT. Her show, that you're always raving about, is

If I hear the word "retouching" one more time over the course of the next 48 hours... I swear to god...


Very words; such meaningful.

"If you like a cat, they're a dog. There are cat people out there. If you want a dog that's a cat, yeah, okay."

Uh, breed advocates are usually the most uhh....passionate about people not getting said dogs. Or only a certain kind of people.

I'm not saying that American Apparel had any honorable intentions here, but maybe this will help re-normalize bush? It wouldn't be the first time that AA styling has seeped into popular culture.

If you don't need a shower after a concert then you are doing it wrong.

May I ask which horribly sexist/racist/homophobic comments you're referring to?

What "horribly sexist/racist/homophobic comments" are you referring to, exactly?

Many men are overcoming their social conditioning. Many women are also overcoming their social conditioning. Despite this, the social conditioning is still causing problems, and it needs to end.

I think it's shitty to blame men for feeling this way, frankly. We have been largely raised from birth to believe that we should provide. Whether that is "true" or not is a different story, but this is a constant message. You know how we all shake our heads at the social messages about beauty for women? This is

Also, perhaps by not posting snarky articles shaming men for also being victims of patriarchy.

very telling that many of the comments on this story are more "welp, guess men are just insecure, immature sexist crybabies, LIKE I SUSPECTED" and not the (correct) interpretation that a patriarchal power structure has forced men for centuries to value themselves solely by their personal financial success.

This is patriarchy at work. This is what happens when you drill into men the idea that they’re supposed to be providers in a world with an increasingly egalitarian workplace. The best way to address it is to continue trying to normalize female professional success and male domesticity.

Speaking as a trans woman who spent a lot of her pre-transition life trying to "man-up," the feeling that you're supposed to be the provider in the family is something that can be pretty hard to get over. You're kinda beaten over the head with that message, and if you fail to live up to it, it can leave you feeling a