They aren't trolling or playing dumb. They are right. There isn't anyone near him. If your car is pretty empty, what is wrong with spreading out?
They aren't trolling or playing dumb. They are right. There isn't anyone near him. If your car is pretty empty, what is wrong with spreading out?
I know it's weird, but I love the author's emphasis that the porcupine Haji enjoys is, indeed, dead.
Funny, all I see is peaness?
I'll defend the practice—some men, either due to age or disability or whatever, can't get erections on their own. They suffer. Their partners suffer. It's not just dudes who benefit from this. And even if only dudes benefit from this, it's still valid. It's bullshit that women's sexual and reproductive health is…
erectile disfunction can be devastating for all partners involved. I agree that women's reproductive health should be supported, but the answer isn't to deny men a possible solution to their own health challenges.
I don't think you understood my point. Honestly, in a conversation about childhood obesity, organic/nonorganic shouldn't even be part of the conversation. It muddies that waters because it doesn't really affect obesity. Once we can get shit set up so people can afford (in both money and time) to eat conventional…
Let's not conflate healthy food with organic food, especially in the childhood obesity discussion. Organic/non-organic really has no bearing. (And I don't know how to say this next part without sounding bitchy, but I assure you that's not the intention): If the probably-college-educated author of this piece can't…
If he doesn't have a platypus bill to go with that tell him to fuck right off.
OH MY GOD! He's Mr. Ed! Mr. Ed wants to date you!
Is it just laying around? Did he piss off the Mob?
Can this be a requirement for using a dating site? Like how everyone should work retail once to become a better customer?
Sorry, this is the one men's rights issue I actually have a huge amount of sympathy for. My dad got completely screwed over with custody and child support. My mom was mentally unstable (she is bipolar and had documented suicide attempts, for example) but the judge gave her full custody because "small children should…
My only problem with this ad is the inclusion of Margaret Thatcher.
What's with this idiotic idea that compromise, networking, and communication are feminine traits? When did this thing that most people do get that label? I think you've watched a bit too much Girls, Erin, because that rich, young 25 year old snarky woman isn't what is ruling the scene.
Maybe rather than trying to appropriate the blame we should try to find solutions to the problem, particularly in education where more and more boys are being abandoned.
"Polygamy" means simply being married to many people at the same time, from "poly" - many; and gamy "people."
My husband gets super turned on by my big hip bones. Thanks for letting us know that you would never hit it though!
Ringo Starr has a cameo in the Powerpuff Girls' new special as a "flamboyant mathematician" named... FIBONACCI SEQUINS.
and you can see there's a knife in his pocket, like something out of a movie.