I'm canadian, so maybe i'm just dumb, but is cornhole when you fuck people in the ass?
I'm canadian, so maybe i'm just dumb, but is cornhole when you fuck people in the ass?
Here's one difference: a woman is less likely to have a history of sexual harassment.
Sure, sure. But the difference is that I'm right and they're wrong!
Liberals would rather go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art than Times Square
If God is so hot on fetuses, then why would He give women the mental capacity to figure out how to end their pregnancies across thousands of cultures and thousands of years?
Okay, gaming guys. Let me tell you something about being a real man. Which implies ocassionally touching real women.
Real men MAY care about a woman's:
1. Physicality
So much stupidity in one sentence:
Equating "bull dykey" with lesbians (all lesbians aren't one archetype, silly boy), and then equating both with "pixie"...I know I should simply ignore the idiocy here, but it's that unique brand of idiocy that sucks me in.
By the way, that pixie look is AMAZING to some men (myself…
I love how short hair is automatically assumed to be the only choice of lesbian hair style.
The hell are you on about?
I've never understood the backlash against any female celebrity cutting her hair. I think it's super cute like 9 times out of 10.
...not all man holes are always covered
Most places have terrible, bright lighting and I have sensitive eyes. I wear sunglasses when I need them, I know that some people don't like it, but at some point you have to stop fucking caring about what other people think and do your thing.
It's cultivated quirk. It's affectation. It's ultra self-conscious. And that is SO unattractive.
I you say "m'lady" I assume you're addressing the Inn Keep on your quest to find the magical lute of great resplendence.
Also you LARP.