Sabra is the Kraft cheese of hummus.
Sabra is the Kraft cheese of hummus.
I don't see the problem.
Harvestmen are the real-life Miyazaki dust sprites. They bounce around on their spindly legs and eat tiny crumbs. Utterly whimsical and cute.
Not spiders. Harvestmen. Totally harmless and cute.
That would be true at close range with a wide-angle lens. However, use of a telephoto lens from relatively long distances would show little difference in size between two people or objects. Have you ever seen video coverage of a baseball pitch? Perspective is compressed so that the pitcher and batter look like they're…
Would everyone please look at their feet. He's obviously standing a few feet away from her and the camera was not level with them, but above them.
Just making sure that you were aware that this isn't just a thing gross men do to acquaintances. It's often a thing couples do. Together. Because they both enjoy it.
(Women do it too.)
I had the same experience at first. You have to find a way to put the movies out of your mind and create the world from scratch while you read.
Well this study is about trends. You can't expect individuals to follow large-scale patterns.
Well this study is about trends. You can't expect individuals to follow large-scale patterns.
You know what's horseshit? Making generalizations based on anecdota.
Can we just get past this shit already, world?
Because you can't do everything, say, "fuck it" and do nothing?
Religious holidays can and do become secular over time. Plenty of nonreligious people do Christmas.
Right? Next they'll try to say that Easter isn't about the Easter Bunny.
Many, many people disagree that traditional bows are "worse in every way" than compound bows. Pure mechanical efficiency isn't always the point. A beautiful bow can display artistry and elegance of design, and has many thousands of years of history behind it. If you want to shoot with an ugly pile of pulleys and…
Crossbows are no quieter than a traditional bow.
Give that to me now.