
First make sure your kid is interested in wrestling.  If they’re engrossed in a book, don’t play-slam them into the couch.

This. This is how you respectfully offer editorial suggestions.  

Ack! I can’t believe I did that. Thanks for pointing this out. I replaced it with “ingestive.” 

Life’s too short to sit around rolling meatballs. I use store bought frozen meatballs,spinach, and pasta.  Still delicious.

laughing at people for needing to do certain things to fall asleep because they are not biologically blessed like other people is a shitty thing to do and im sorry you dont believe in the power of tea. go make fun of people somewhere else to someone else because i am not that kind of person.

> How can I look a black boy in his face and tell him he is nothing?

I was a professional Chef for 30 years, and I rarely added salt to anything . Why not? Food has plenty of flavor on it’s own- no need to add things. Sure, it takes a little effort to draw that flavor OUT...Also, not everyone has room for extra salt in their diet. If they crave more salt, they can always add some. Once

Stunning, seriously stunning? Phew, man, the ad-hype here is a bit overwhelming in its bullshit sometimes. Check out Powers, Frazetta, Boris, Bonfils, Mcginnis, Krenkel, Harris, Jones and there you will see actual “stunning” book covers.

Anyone who reads Androids because of Blade Runner is in for a surprise.

I prefer to think that declining enrollment simply meant more families were choosing to send their children to local, public wizard day schools rather than paying all the extra to send them off to a fancy private boarding school.

If any of you are questioning whether this is safe for a baby, I am confident Zyla would tell us she died doing what she loved when she gains the power to speak in the next 2-3 years.

Is there where I get to complain about how *after* I quit my job at Bank of America, I found out I was blocked from a promotion because, despite my boss, his boss, and several peers recommending me enthusiastically, the boss above them had an uncomfortable boner for me and said my attire was inappropriate?

I wore 4-inch heels all the time when I worked retail. Now that I’m sitting in an office all day, I can NOT handle them. 2-inch wedge is about as far as I can go.

The time for mandatory space-aged style uniforms for all citizens is now. Let us put this tired debate to rest once and for all.

“You need to dress properly - it’s about respect!”

My parents retired a couple of years ago, got bored and decided to be camphosts at a state park in Kentucky. They would get to live for free in a state park, check campers in and out, get people firewood, coordinate activities, ride around in a golf cart ... perfect, right? My parents very quickly figured out they

i think it’s also a community thing. the sort of people the researcher is exposed to sought that community specifically for access to it’s plethora of officious sounding objects d’ disgust. easily suggestable people demanding to take offense at things to distance themselves from being reared.

I’m a millenial, and to be honest, I find the word “crusty” to be far more offensive. Make of that what you will.