
My MD has me on D3 and calcium because of my osteopenia and some concerning test results. My neurologist put me on CoQ-10, B2, and magnesium for my migraines.

I noticed a recommendation for butterbur use for migraines. Anyone with a ragweed allergy should use this supplement with the utmost of caution. The butterburs used in the remedies encapsulated and sold are various Petasites species, and are therefore members of the same Aster family as ragweed.

I just made this for the family breakfast because we happened to have the same brand of instant miso. Aside from garnishing it with fresh chives from my container garden, I didn’t change a thing, and it was fab. Thanks!

And now you can’t get a real soft-boiled egg anywhere, with a yolk you can dip toast into. Even poached eggs are like this. Ick.

I’m 67, and fall into this age group. I’m full conversant with the science and medical implications involved, thanks.

My Zenni glasses have been perfect, including the pupilary distance, and they fit instantly, with no adjustments, which is more than I can say for any local or big box eyeglass store. I can also afford them.

I have one of these. I’ve only used the bottle opener, the package “cutter” (only for paper tape and wimpy Scotch tape)  and the flat screwdriver. The rest of the tools haven’t been useful, but I have used these repeatedly. It’s tough, and doesn’t fall off the key chain. I call it well worth $4.

I have one of these. I’ve only used the bottle opener, the package “cutter” (only for paper tape and wimpy Scotch

Will that trigger sales tax in states where that applies?

I was specifically talking about steep, hilly, rocky, narrow trails that can be difficult for people to climb and that barely accommodate two people, not the wide curving, mulched trails you may be picturing. Think of being say, 64, asthmatic or with a heart condition, making your way up that trail as fast as you can,

My husband and I walk trails a lot. He takes nature photos and I botanize. We encounter a fair number of trail runners. Sometimes it’s a good experience, but often it’s not.

George, I don’t think the phrase “gestational act” is quite what you wanted here. Gestational refers to the carrying of young. I think maybe you meant “gustatory”.

You could do this, too, or find a crafty person who wants to try it!

If it’s your rescue inhaler, chances are, you won’t be using it with a spacer. I don’t have room for a mammoth thing like that in the little purses I carry on medical advice, and I bet that the menfolk don’t have room for one in their pockets. 

Our shopping needs are a bit non-standard. We need lactose-free milk and don’t eat white bread. I plugged in a dozen of my standard shopping list items, and it was a flop.

“Discreetly” is the word you want here, I think. “Discretely” means separately.

It’s better than the dumb tongue out look. I know some people who barely have usable head shots because every picture shows them sticking out their tongues like four-year-olds.

Please warn people when you do this! I have a strong sensitivity to coffee, and don’t want to end up with a migraine just because I had a piece of cake or a brownie. Admittedly, I can usually detect the coffee in the flavor and stop after a bite or two, but if I miss it, it could ruin my day.

Speaking as a woman who has battled both depression and political rage for years, a gratitude journal will do you absolutely no good. Trying to make lemonade when you are actually having to dodge lemons being tossed at you via trebuchet is futile. If you insist on the ridiculous, navel gazing practice of “journaling”,

It comes from an SF novel by Alan Nourse about a dystopian future in which healthcare is so severely rationed that doctors can be imprisoned for providing medical care to the uninsured. The smuggled blades of the title are surgical tools.

I think they are all hideous! The old paperback covers are more interesting.