
The free wildflower identification apps from Wildflower Search, available for iOS and Android. I have used the Missouri Wildflowers and Illinois Wildflowers apps on both platforms, and there are 40 odd more for other locations. They are easy to use and don’t require photos or even reception. You can be hiking in a

“Scarf or blanket?” Somebody knows nothing about tartan.

Facts don’t matter to addicts.

Leave an unwrapped sandwich in that and it’ll be too dry to eat by lunchtime.

I thinly sliced 13 habañeros today, then dehydrated and ground them up, all without gloves, and without injury. I DID wash my hands frequently, though.

Where’s the head?

Wouldn't that crush the dress?

What's your problem with frizzy hair? Are you going to mandate keratin treatment the way that stupid temp agency in London mandated high heels?

200 students is a mighty small cohort for such sweeping conclusions. Come back after they've used a large cohort long-term and I will be concerned. Has it ever occurred to them that chronic pain may behind some empathy loss?

I stay up late because of my excellent taste in books.

I guess it’s just another mystifying Millennial thing.

How about a non-coconut oil version of the recipe for those watching their LDL levels?

I love dinosaur paintings and models, but not the animatronic ones which never sound or move right. I would trade all the animatronic dinos in that exhibit for a really good exhibit of Ptolemaic tomb portraits.

I remember wax paper wrapped sandwiches just fine. They were the ones that were so dry I couldn’t eat them.

This doesn't mention whether CVS and Rite-Aid charge a fee.

Bear with me Jamie, but the word you want is actually “grisly”.


Another common trait of passive-aggressive individuals is to accuse those around them of being passive-aggressive.

I gave up on Thin Mints after I discovered After 8 chocolate mints—extra minty chocolate goodness and no disappointing cookie!

My biggest disappointment with the Percy Jackson movie was that they omitted the totally badass scene at the Gateway Arch with monsters blowing a hole in it and Percy diving into the Mississippi from the top.